Part 5

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T-ok great well ondreaz You can go now I need to talk to brooke in private on our way to class
O-ok bro
B-Why do d You need to talk in private
T-well ok umm sooo You and your friend at lunch You know that You day at the table across from us and You were talking to your friend I know what You were talking about not because I heard my friend miakio heard and told me about what You were talking about and he heard that You like me is that true
B-ummm y-y-yeah Why
T-well meet me after school in the cafeteria and btw who is your friend
B-oh that's olivia
T-ok well like I said meet me in the cafeteria after school oh shall we sit next to each other in math and if we have to be partners do You want to be partners alll the other girls go tony tony do You want to be partners with me and the I work with then because everyone else has already got a partner so what do You say
B-umm ok Why me though
T-so we can get to know each other better and work at the same time or if You dont want to it's fine
B-no no no it's fine I just didn't know Why You wanted to work with me
T-ok we are gonna be late for class let's go in

~Tonys pov~
Me and Brooke walk into class and sit down and sit there until the teacher talks
The teacher-ok class we need to be in partners for this lesson You can choose someone yourself
The whole class-ok mrs
All the girls except Brooke-TONY DO You WANT TO BE PARTNERS
t-guys I already know who my partner will be
The girls except Brooke-who
T-it's brooke because she isn't asking me
One girl-URR Why do You want to be partners with that white and slut
Brooke runs out the door and I say to the girl
The girls say:URR tony You are so annoying
I run after Brooke and see her in the hall on the floor crying I go up to her and say
T-hey Brooke it's fine I said that You are gonna be my partner all the time from now on if You want
B:t-thanks tony and I will be your partner from now on
T-ok now lets get to class and do our work
I give her a hug and we walk back into the class all the girls just do a 🙄look but I didn't care because I liked Brooke not like as a friend but I wanted to take her to the cafeteria after school to ask for her number and we can get to know each other and hang out and then I will go on from there

(After the last lesson)
It was now the end of the day and I'm in the cafeteria waiting for Brooke to come

~Brooke pov~
It's the end of the day and I walk into the cafeteria and tony is in there I go in and say
B-hey tony
T-hey Brooke
B-Why did You ask me to come here
T-so I asked You to come here because i was gonna ask if I can have your n-number and message and call each other and hang out and get to know each other more and become friends and then You can meet my friends that are also famous I have never shown any girls my friends because of how annoying they are
B-tony that will be amazing and of course You can have my number it is (any number)
T-tanks do You want to hang out now or later at about 5 at my house
B-I'm well me and Olivia are hanging out to do Tik toks and practice some so at 5 I can hang out with You
T-ok great do You want me to pick You up from your house and take You to mine
B-yeah sure my address is (any address)
T-ok I will pick You up at 5
B-ok bye tony
T-bye Brooke
I gave him a hug and went to olivia I walked out and see her talking to........

Authors note:so guys I have posted two today I will prob post tomorrow hope You guys like it and what do You want me to call You guys and who do You think Olivia is talking to love You guys bye-Brooke

If You want a face reveal comment and I will

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