Part 1

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I was sleeping when I heard dad shouting.He does that when he want me to cook for him breakfast.I don't know why he don't do it himself since he know how to cook."FUYUMI!!WHERE IS THE BREAKFAST!!"
He yelled again,I didn't want him to disturb shouto and natsu so I got up from my bed and went out the room to the bathroom. I did my morning routine then head down stairs to the kitchen.

"Coming"I said as I entered the kitchen and wore my apron.I started making breakfast for dad and my brothers."Good morning sis".I turned to see natsu walking down the stairs with a big grin on his face.

"Good morning "I said."I'm almost done so please prepare the table."he walks to the table and started preparing it."where is shouto?is he still sleeping?"I asked him"no he already woke up.he is preparing himself for school"he replied.After some minutes I heared shouto walking down the stairs."Good morning shouto"

He looked at me with his normal expression ."Good morning"he said.I finished making the breakfast then put it on the table.Shouto looked at the food then sat at his spot near natsu.I sat across them"Dad!the breakfast is ready ,come and eat with us"

I said.Then after some minutes I heard dad's footsteps"Too late.I am going now,I have work."he said walking out the house and slamming the door behaind him.I sighed then looked at shouto and natsu ,they've already started eating. how can they be so normal they don't even care.I thought then started eating too.

After we ate our breakfast shouto went to school and natsu to the college while I went to work.

-Later in the afternoon-

I went back home after buying somethings from the store.There was no sound here that means no one came yet so I entered the kitchen to make the soba I bought earlier.I remembered that tomorrow is Saturday and we will visit mom,it have been a while since the last time we did.I wonder what is she doing now.

After maybe 30 minutes,I was finally done making the soba and preparing the table.Shouto and natsu was already here now,they were watching TV since dad is not here yet.Speaking of him,why isn't dad home,it's already 7 now, where is he.

"Sis,can we eat now I am hungry!"I heared natsu complaining."Can we wait more he may come any second now"I said trying to assure him"No need to wait him,he won't come anyway"Shouto said.Suddenly I heared the door opening from out side"See he came"I said walking to the door to greet him.

"Welcome back dad"I said walking to him"Dinner is ready come and eat with us"I said to him while he was taking his shose off."I don't want"He said not looking at me.

"But why?you're not eating these days,please com and eat some"I said trying to make him agree.He started walking to the training room ignoring me."Dad!"I called out trying to stop him and he did.

He turned his face to me then slapped me hard until I fall on the floor."CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT I SAID I DON'T WANT?DO YOU THINK YOU CAN MAKE ME DO SOMETHING I DON'T WANT?"he said yelling this time." I d..didn't m..mean that,I was j..just...."I said putting one hand on my cheeks where he slapped me and the other one on the floor trying to get up.

"Sis,what happened?!!"Shouto said coming with natsu next to him.

Hi there.So this is the first chapter of this story I hope you enjoyed it!Don't forget to comment down if there is any grammatical mistakes and if you want me do something for the next chapter.

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