Chapter One

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The video is my work, (I own none of the content except the images of the lyrics) and I hope you enjoy this story! At the end could you tell me if I should leave this as a one-shot or continue!

Hiccup trudged through the snowy streets, his hair and clothes flecked with the stuff. He pulled his tattered maroon jacket closer, it was all he had to keep out the cold. His prosthetic squeaked in protest, and he groaned, screwing shut those emerald green eyes. His crappy khaki pants flapped in the wind; there was a blizzard coming. His brown long-sleeved shirt pressed against his tiny form; he couldn't remember the last time he had had food. All he knew was that he had to get out of there, fast. A snowball hit the back of his neck and laughter sounded. Hiccup groaned again. "Hey, Haddock! How about you come and play for once?" Uh-oh. He knew that voice. Steven, AKA Snotlout Jorgenson. He walked over to Hiccup, stiffly because of all the winter clothing he had on (Hiccup's jealousy was more than healthy), and smirked. A filthy, dirty smirk that should have been wiped off his face before it was put there. 

Hiccup looked at him in fear; little did he know his guardian angel was there, watching on. His eyes were huge round orbs, and the mysterious teen in the shadows almost blew his cover when he had a wave of anger hit him. His companion in his trademark blue sweater was beckoned to the side, and it took a lot of biting back to hide the retort he had ready. Instead, he dove behind the garbage cans, waiting to strike. Snotlout pushed Hiccup, who was much lighter than he should have been, to the ground, and that was the last straw. 

The stranger walked out from his place in the shadows, and in Hiccup's opinion, he was even more intimidating than Snotlout. His grey-blue hair, covered in snow, settled down to his shoulders. He was about 6 feet tall and muscular. The tattoos on his left arm ran up to his neck, and his excessive winter clothing showed he wasn't from around there. His companion rushed up to him he had been distracted by something else. Hiccup would have smirked if it weren't for the fear that was taking him over. The other boy was the exact opposite of the man. His blue sweater, with frosty patterns sewn into the ring of the collar and the cuff of the sleeves (who would bother?), was old but well taken care of. His khaki pants, similar to Hiccup's but in much better shape, were tight-fitting on him, the way they should be, while Hiccup's let the wind beat them up. This worried both of them; this boy, with his snarky attitude and one leg, was malnourished. Definitely. 

The man walked up to Snotlout while the boy, who was about Hiccup's age, helped him out of the snow. 
"Oi! Just what do you think you're doing?"
"I was teaching Hiccup here a lesson! He shouldn't be siding with the wrong sort!"
"And what would the wrong sort be, may I ask? In your opinion." Snotlout's face showed disgust as he said,
"Two sorts. The faggots and the homeless!" The man looked at Hiccup, who was now trying to con his way out. The boy with the blue sweater seized his wrist, halting him in his tracks. Hiccup grimaced. The boy let go immediately, concern written all over his pale features. Hiccup looked terrified now. He smiled, but it was put on as a show. 
"Look, guys, uh, Snotlout was just playing and got a little rough, okay? It happens." The scrawny hand clutching his wrist was a dead giveaway he was lying. 
"Then why are you holding your wrist like that, mate?" Hiccup recoiled. He was trapped.
"Uh, because it's cold and I lost my other glove, okay?" The males before him relaxed. 
"That's all? We were worried you'd hurt it or something!" Hiccup rolled his eyes, pretending to be pissed by their concern. In reality, he was relieved he had managed to trick them. 

"You got a home to go to, mate? It's pretty cold out here, like you said, and Snotlout said you were 'siding with the homeless', whatever that means." Hiccup's eyes grew wider. 
"By that, he just means I- uh, I hang out with them! I treat them like they're actual people, not the scum Snotlout and the others make them out to be." The man and the teen looked like they had been hit by a truck. 
"Oh..." they said in unison. Hiccup facepalmed. 
"You guys thought I was homeless? You couldn't be further from the truth. I've got a home!"
"What about your family?" Hiccup's wide eyes filled with tears. The man and the teen exchanged a look. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2020 ⏰

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