Ch.9 □ Hilum

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Give me an ending to my story, I felt for a moment like I was being pulled out of a dream I was living.

Xander P.O.V

Some how, I did not find a point in lying, so I answered bluntly.

"To my mom's young sister." I state, one turning fact that is.

Her eyes plugged; raising her eyebrow and tilting her head to the side almost in disbelief. "What? How? She seduced you or? Child abuse?" Malia whispered. I smiled at her ajar shocked face; "You're lying; why are you smiling? is this funny?"

"It's not; you should just look at you. So small," I pat her head and tilt her head upwards touching at her chin.

She looks at me in disgust, and I laugh as she rolls her eyes at me. "I want to take you out of here," I tell her.

"Tell me first; how did it happen?" She asks he eyes pleading for answers.

I breathe, straightening my back and setting properly.
"I was 11 I think, when she stared doing things I did not understand. Slowly but shortly I new what was heppening; I was like her slave. It was good at times, we are still friends and family she taught me things and I got to know so much. I needed the distraction alot was happening in my family and no one cared; mom wanted things to go her way and dad was always away living a life of his own."

"What about your brothers?"

"What about them? they never knew anything. She'd come at times where no one was at home; or I would go. no one suspected anything. I was doing what she asked me to do and that was it; so she would not hurt me."

"Hurt you?" Malia asked, her eyes soft. I hated the look she gave me; yet I felt like she was forgiving me and her petty compiled her to.

"Yeah, she'd wipe me up. Or be harsh," I did not give it much thought and took my shirt off showing her.
Her eyes peeled at me; her eyes flying to my chest.

"Are those... Are those cigarettes put outs?" She asked, she was about to touch me when I got up putting my shirt back on and getting something to drink. She looked at me uncertain; "Z what are you doing?"

I did not answer, maybe I should have thought this through. "Z come here," Malia stared before coughing, I approached her rubbing her back trying to let her breathe.
"Why did not you tell me before?"

"I already told you, M! I don't tell a lot of things and you already know too much now,"

"So you are going to have to kill me?" She smiled; and for the first time I felt like maybe I should concerned not ever hurting her again. Her smile put my sorrows on pause; I smiled moving a strand of her hair to the side.

"Was it sticking out; or are you giving yourself as excuse," she asked, making me laugh.

"I'm giving you a reason to touch you M" I told her.

"Exceptional circumstances call for exceptional Standers," she says. I chuckle at her way and ask her if she can leave now.

"Of course not, few more days." She tells me; "you can leave - I know you hate hospitals."

"I am not going to leave; I am in duty call either way. Until your Luke comes back I am here,"

She rolls her eyes and shakes her head, "I release you of the burden, your duties are not required anymore." Malia looks away,

"I am not at your disposal," I throw at her.

"But you were a slave to Your Aunt who's a child abuser and Boyfriend teacher of a psycho crack head?"

"Malia!" I shout, my palm unworldly wrapping around her throat. "Don't.." I gritted feeling the heat of my anger upon her tears I stopped and got up, leaving her side.
"I am... I'm sorry. I'm sorry are you okay?" I asked. She gave me a look I have never seen before, her tears were still streaming. I did not know what to do, "I would not hurt you M"
I said, trying to make it believable as much as I can.

I approach her and hug her, her small fists hitting at my back. " I am sorry, please don't hate me" I beg her, I hated how I felt - I despised the way I made her feel.

Eventually she stopped hitting at my back, I let her go. Flicking her tears away, " I did not mean to." She noded and asked me to leave, " just a bit more, until you sleep" I told her.

" You are hurting me," she moaned.

" Oh sorry!" I got up giving her space but laying still beside her.

"I wanted an ending to the story, that will sure hurt but won't break me. I want you to leave me in peace, I will be able to recover. I hate how safe I feel around you."

"I am not that bad M,"

" You are definitely not but, Being around you has bought me heart break Z." She whispered.

"Why do you hate yourself so much? you did not deserve what these people did to you. And you don't have to take it on the world, I feel so bad that I am too weak to get back at you."

"What! do you want to bruise me?" I looked down at her as she laid on my chest.

"Yes! can I dislocate one finger - we are in a hospital they can always put in back in place."

With out a lot of foreplay and talk, I gave her my hand to break it all if she wants. "Don't Ever Do That Ever Again" she gritted, trying to break my fingers. Both her hands struggled, yet I let her do minor hurting to my bones.
"Does it hurt?" She asked, I motioned No and kissed at her hair line.

"I am contemplating,"

" Between?"

"I am tired of saying and explaining and complain in need to sometimes vent about the shit I go through,"

"I am still the same person, Just tell me I will get it."

"I can't filter, why can't you understand that I can't process so easily. I don't want you to pitty me Xander it sucks. I need an ending that would suit me and my whatever you wanna call it high Standers or values or even dignity. I'd rather die than think you were keeping up with me because you pitty me,"

"That's not true, I am still not sure why I did not tell you. But I know it changes nothing."

"Do you really believe that? I wished you'd understand the way I do. I'd choose you everytime. What an idiot you are Z! how could you be so blind and not know that I would choose you everytime, if I had to choose between myself and you I'd choose you! " Malia looked at me.


Hello beautiful readers, it's been a tough month but it passed and I'm done with my researches. 😊

Check out my Interview with Rainbowusers


8th June, 2020 @ 10: 29 PM

Mimi 😊

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