Aw crap here we go again-

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.~deku~. P.O.V

"FUCK! FUCK! FUCK TOGA UR A TOTTAL DUMBASS YA'KNOW??" -i said flying at max speed yelling at Toga while we where being followed by heroes "UUUH-WELL YOU GUYS KINDA REMEMBER ME THAT EVERY" at the moment she was ending that she was grabbed by an underground hero..nothing more nothing less then the pro hero Erasurehead. Dabi quickly grabbed her and i said "HOLD ON A MINUTE DABB'S!!" as i was flying back down ready to catch that fucktard when that exact same moment he yeeted into a fucking wall... "jesus fuckin' christ why are they such idiots..?" Some seconds later i though back to myself while putting my feet on the ground in front of the to anime dead corpses and putt my hands in the air sigh- "whatever..they are my idiots" as the heros confusedly grabbed me and them and handcuffed us.

As a little expected from me,they knocked me out.

.~still deku's P.O.V~.

I woke up in an empty room with nothing else then:
-a random window
-a desk
-and three chairs,for me Dabb's and Crazy.

I started shaking my wings making some noise for both Dabi and Toga to wake up, Toga yeeted a random knife she hidd in her bra at me but got mad when i dodged it and started to run after me, "izu-kunnn~ lemme stabb stabby you! You look so hot when you bleed~" she said running after me while ignoring Dabi that was in the floor giving up for his life and repeatedly stepped on him. The Crazy blond started blushing like hell when she just THOUGHT about izu's blood. "BEGONE THOT GET THE HELL OTTA MAH WAY!" I said about to trow a kick on Dabi as he tryied to stand up,when a weird fat nerdy looking guy and a.....A......a pet (?) entered the room. Suddently Toga screamed "OMG CAN I HUGZ CHU??" as she attempted running towards the animal "toga stfu for once please?" Dabbi said while holding Toga by the arm "UGH fine you always ruin the fun and dont even let me stab ya with Mr.Stabby" she then sitted on the chair by the left. I quickly got to the right one and Dabbi got to the one in the middle of us. Somehow there was a bit of silence and the nerdy ass decided to break it by saying: "hello there villains,as you may had noticed you have in your neck a collar like thingy that, if you try to use your quirk or take it off it will shock you" he then picked up a few files that appeard put of nowhere and started to read them out loud:

"HIMIKO TOGA" then looked at the completely bored blonde who,as hearing her name started jumping on the chair "thats me!~" she said with a chuckle. He continued reading:

knowned as :Toga
Age :16
Quirk :transformation
Killing count :238
Info : *picture*

    "Sir! Actually my killing count is 240 now!" She said with a proud smile looking at the man, who looked at her and blanckly said "sure

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"Sir! Actually my killing count is 240 now!" She said with a proud smile looking at the man, who looked at her and blanckly said "sure.." then passes to look at Dabbi who was bumping his head on the desk while the pet stood quietly looking at him with a bit of concern (?)

Knowned as :Dabi
Age :17
Quirk :Cremation
Killing count :523
Info :*picture*

    Dabi just stood there like a fucking idiot looking at the man with the look of "i dont give two fucks about you" and mumbled a "yeah" passing onto FINALLY me!

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Dabi just stood there like a fucking idiot looking at the man with the look of "i dont give two fucks about you" and mumbled a "yeah" passing onto FINALLY me!

Finally out of broccoli's P.O.V-

Knowned as :Deku
Age :16
Quirk :wings (surprisingly for Izu he just said wings wich was really great for him)
Killing count : 654
Info: *picture*

     Izu nooded and mumbled in a voice that the fat assed nerd could still hear "if you say my true name again im PRETTY sure my kill count will go up!" In an akwardly cheerful tone, making his wings slightly flap a little while his red eye was an...

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Izu nooded and mumbled in a voice that the fat assed nerd could still hear "if you say my true name again im PRETTY sure my kill count will go up!" In an akwardly cheerful tone, making his wings slightly flap a little while his red eye was anime dramatically glowing, judt about a few minuts later (3) the per started to talk about-....

Nah Nu cliffhanger :> *yEeTs resT Of thE sToRy In*

"Hello there!" The animal said leaving a priceless expression in Toga's face that said-what the actual fuck- "It TalKs?!?!" She said, "uuh- Im UA's principal! Call me Nezu" again leaving a priceless face this time on all the villains except Dabi (who did not give a fuck) but this time the expression that was marked on the two kids was :WHAT DA ACTUALL FUCK FOR ALL THE LIVING GAYUINS WHYYY?!!!?!? as the pricipal ignoring them continued talking:
"Im here for a proposal.." izu started to get all drama queen and finnaly said " omg yeS ILl maRRy ChU" leaving a dramatic tear down his eye and a confused Nezu.

"AS I WAS SAYING,im here to offer you a choice..between having your rest of life on prision OR a REHAB at UA"

the way he was so direct and showed there was no kidding was funny,and the villains started to of them said

"So~ if we join the REHAB, it will only bring positives for UA ight'?" Izu said with a grin on his face as Nezu nooded "So~ can we have some conditions added?" "Depends," Nezu responded.

On the end they agreed on going to the REHAB by:

-having a dorm
-being able to decorate it
-have new clothes
-dont wear uniforms

Heyyy- 921 words ..i dunno what to say more so...hEyyY 921 WoRdS!

-ur beloved lazy ass Author-san

Villain deku REHAB Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang