Chapter 18

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Harry, panting from his fast running, quickly ran into the classroom of his Physics teacher Minerva McGonagall and found the room looking destroyed, student's paper exams scattered the floor and broken furniture laid everywhere. He looked around and made sure there was no one else in the room and then he closed the door. He ran straight to the cupboard of the classroom and took out the weapons that were loaded in there, he also found a note, it read:

'To whom it may concern:
In the headteacher's office lays a secret that would send this building crumbling.'

Harry's eyes widened. What does that mean? A secret to send the building crumbling? It meant something and he had to find out. So he grabbed some extra weapons and reloaded his trustworthy pistol and then left the room for the headteacher's office. On his way there he ran into Luna and Ginny and begged them to find Hermione, he was most certainly sure that they kept her in the dungeons, they nodded and ran off.

He also ran into several policemen on the way there and helped them out a little just for them to run around and get themselves in trouble again.

Finally, he arrived at the door of the headteacher's office, if course it was locked so he hand to knock it down. After the dust clears off Harry began his scavenger hunt for what could make a scene foot story crumble.

Minutes later, Harry thought he was being fooled, how could he be so darn dumb? He walked towards the door, until sir thing in the morning if his eyes drew his attention, it was a cricket bat, and for McGonagall to have a cricket bat in the office was something weird, despite her living to kill the other teams are the sport. With three large strides her picked up the bat and examined it.

'Bombs. Seven of them at seven different places, make sure you do it in orders 1 through 7; the places are:

Bomb 1: The Headteacher's Office: under the knowledge.

Bomb 2: At the cell that breathes fire.

Bomb 3: In the room of stars.

Bomb 4: In the room of strength.

Bomb 5: In the room of knowledge.

Bomb 6: In the room of injuries.

Bomb 7: In the room of announcements'

Harry's eyes widened, bombs it was a suicide mission, but what if the person that write this was a maniac that wanted the person to go find something that wasn't there? There was only one way to find out, he quickly grabbed a pen and scribbled down the words written in the bat. Bomb 1 was first so he first one and thank goodness he was in the right room.

"Under the knowledge?" He read to himself, "What does that mean?" He placed back and forth in the room, thinking about it, he had no time to spare, "Knowledge." He kept repeating.

"What's the first thing you think of when you think of knowledge?" He asked himself.

"Hermione!" He answered his own question.

"Hermione. Knowledge.... knowledge comes from books: books come from bookshelves, wait...bookshelves!" He said, he ran over to the bookshelves that were neatly places at the wall and looked under them, under the third one he searched, he found a large box, carefully he pulled it out and looked at the contraption of wires.

Being trained to diffuse bombs by Sirius, Harry took just some tweezers and clippers and began, nervously, working on the bombs.

After a few minutes, Harry wiped his sweat and he saw the time down stopped, but it stopped at fifty minutes so that meant he only had fifty minutes to diffuse all the bombs.

He ran his hand through his hair and began thinking about the other bombs and where they were hidden.

"At the cell that breathes fire..." Harry read the paper, "Where can that be?" He asked, his mind flickered back to when he first met Hermione and she was explaining the history of Hogwarts, she said that in the dungeons, the mist difficult cell to break out of, was the cell of fire.

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