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Artemis watches as Luke's team collects evidence from where their targets had been staying.

"Something doesn't add up," Elena says as she looks through a file. A small smile comes to Artemis' face as she knows that Elena is talking about Dom. "Toretto and O'Conner. They stay when they are supposed to run, they steal gas then give it away? Now they're killing federal agents? It doesn't make any sense."

"Here's what makes sense," Luke says as he takes the file from her before throwing it. Artemis walks over to Elena as she glares at Luke. "All these guys are names on a list. They come up, we take them down. Not a phone call more, not a bullet less."

"There will come a day when you no longer believe that," Artemis says as she stands in front of Elena protectively. "Whether you want to believe it or not, not all criminals are bad. Some are just Robin hoods without a disguise." Luke just glares at her until he is the first to blink.

"Wilkes, we get anything?" Luke asks as Artemis smirks at him.

"Standard forensics. Shoes prints. Hair and fiber. Prints are all over the car," Wilkes answers him before bringing him some papers.

"Anything else?" Luke asks as he takes the papers.

"Yeah, we tracked the owner off the vehicle ID," Wilkes answers him. "There are a couple of shell companies in between, but we finally traced it back to a corporation owned by an investor down here named Hernan Reyes."

"Investor?" Elena asks as she raises her eyebrows and Artemis rolls her eyes.

"If there's anything illegal happening in Rio, Reyes is involved," Artemis explains as she crosses her arms over her chest.

"Okay, then so are we," Luke says with a nod. "If he could get us any closer to our guys, I want everything on him. Hunt, you're on the roof. I want you on overwatch in case somebody comes back for something. Mac, give me a cross check on Reyes, full specs. If he goes to the john, I want to know how many times he shakes it."

"You got it, boss," Mac says before walking over to the computer.

"Wilkes, Fusco! Lets put all this mess back together," Luke orders.

"That's going to take a while," Fusco says causing Artemis to roll her eyes. By looking at how the pieces are separated, she could already tell what was missing from the car.

"Then you better get started," Luke tells him. "They were taking this car apart for a reason. Lets put it back together and find out what's missing."

"Or I could just show you what's missing," Artemis says with a smirk causing Luke to roll his eyes as he looks at her.

"Why don't you let the men do what they're good at?" Luke asks her with a glare, causing her to smile and hold her hands up in surrender.

"Have fun, boys," Artemis says as she gives them a mock salute before sitting in a chair and propping her feet up. The woman infuriated Luke to no end but he couldn't help but notice the way his heartbeat quickened when she smiled.

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