chapter 2, not very happy

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As I woke up, I felt like a truck just crashed into me. My whole body ached and I couldn't move at all, the only part I could move was my eyes and that was useless since it was pitch black. The thoughts on my mind was if Finn was safe, and where am I? Fear was rotting in me like a 20 day old tomato, tears starting to stream from my eyes. Their was a good chance that this was sleep paralysis and all what happened in Finn's room is just a horrible dream?

A loud and long creak is heard from my right, there I see a corner of a bright light.

Or not...

I closed my eyes to pretend that I was sleeping, then hearing loud footsteps coming closer and closer to me. As they stopped right in front of me, I could feel a warm and soft hand on my stomach. "Could you please wake up Jackson?" A familiar voice asked me. It wasn't Samuel since his voice is gruff and this voice is soft, couldn't be Finn since his voice is quiet, and this voice is quite loud really, so who could it be? This voice sounds familiar, so who is it?

"It's me Jackson. It's Niel"

Oh shit...


My eyes open to see Niel, standing above me, about very terrifying for me since he was my perverted kidnapper and stalker. He smile and strokes my cheek. "If your asking if I'm upset" I wasn't "I'm not, just confused and disappointed, why would you run away from me like that? You know we're supposed to go together" I blinked a couple times, why would go together with a sadistic stalker!?

"Your probably wondering where little Finn is, are you?" I blinked a couple more times, meaning 'yes'. "I'll take you to him" he says, picking me up bridal style and walking out of the dark room. The place was exactly the same, never really changed.

He set me on a chair in the dining room. He leaves for a second then comes back with Finn in his arms.



As he sets Finn on my lap, we both exchange a big hug.

"I'm so glad your here honey"

"Me too daddy"

Neil coes at this arrangement and I growl.

"It won't be that bad, Jackson and Finn, you'll both be so happy here" he chides happily, then looks at Finn. "And you're gonna be my special little boy, aren't you Finn?" Finn nods happily as Neil plays with his hair.

At that moment I knew, that I'm gonna go through hell, only worse, my son will too. He both carries us upstairs and separate us to two different rooms. As he takes me to a nice looking bedroom, he sets me on the bed and cuddles me. He wraps his arm around me like a burrito.

I wonder what Samuel is doing? Calling the police? Panicking? Probably both. But that's okay, cuz im gonna kill this fucker once and for all.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2020 ⏰

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