Chapter 1

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Adianalise (Adi) POV:
I woke up, immediately my head turned to my alarm clock & at the instant notice that I was late for helping Blair Waldorf with her ball tonight. I got dressed & quickly scurried over to Blair's.

When I got there she was pretty upset. "Adi !!!" Blair yelled, "I told you to be here 2 hours ago." "I know Blair I'm sorry, I over slept." I tried to explain. "Look Adi, if you wanna be apart of hosting this masked ball tonight you need to be on time" Blair said grabbing her & Serena's dress off the hangers laying on her bed. Serena soon walked in just getting off the phone with Dan. "Hey Blair, hi Adi I'm sorry I'm a little late I got carried up with my mom & Eric" she explain. "It's all good S, Adianalise was just about to show me her dress for tonight" Blair said as they both turned to me. I turned to grab the dress out of Blair's closet, I went into the bathroom & changed into it.

Nate's POV:
I get ready for Blair's ball tonight knowing something must go wrong tonight, like always some type of drama will pop off. "You good, best friend of mine?" Chuck asks putting his hand on my shoulder & looking in the mirror at me. "I want things to go right tonight, I'm supposed to take Blair's virginity tonight." I explained. "Brother of mine" Chuck whispers then sipping his whiskey, "You will do just fine, just like all them nights with Serena that you haven't told Dan about yet." "Dan doesn't need to know Chuck." I say a bit rough. "Whatever you say Archibald" Chuck says walking away.

Adi's POV:
I step out the limo & walk into the building immediately ambushed by multiple people asking questions about my latest appearance on Gossip Girl. "Adi is it true you slept with Nate Archibald?" a random one of Blair's minions asked. The fact that Blair still hasn't found out about this on Gossip Girl is shocking. It was posted 2 days ago. I haven't said nothing about it & neither has Nate. I couldn't expose our real secret like that. It was too personal, it would ruin our social life. The decision was made for a reason.

Serena's POV:
"Adi, is what Gossip Girl sayin true? Are you sleeping with Nate?" I asked Adi before Blair got to her. "Uh- Serena I can't tell you why I was with Nate just know we aren't sleeping together, I could never do that to Blair." Adi explained. "Then why were you guys leaving his house together?" I questioned. "Listen, if I could tell you I would." Adi tried to explain before Blair interrupted. "How could you sleep with my boyfriend Adi" Blair shouted drawing everyone's attention. "Blair, it's really not like that ask Nate" Adi said. "Why so he can just lie to?! Adi you was like a little sister to me why would you sleep with my boyfriend?" Blair asked. Before Adi had the chance to answer, Blair ran off as Nate followed. Adi also ran off & Dan followed her to the roof. I can't get mad she is Dan's best friend.

Adi's POV:
I ran up to the roof top to get some air. My best friend had followed me outside. "Hey you good? What's going on? Are you actually sleeping with Nate?" Dan asked. "No ew gross of course not" I said in complete disgust. "Then why were you guys leaving his house together? You live in Brooklyn" Dan said raising his eyebrows. "Dan- I never wanted to tell you this but" I paused hoping I wasn't going to regret opening my mouth. "But what Adi? Cause you not saying anything is putting your reputation at stake" Dan said looking me down. "Dan, I was adopted & Nate's my brother" I blurted out feeling relived. "Wait, so you're an Archibald? & you're adopted? Wait they kept Nate over you?" Dan said as I giggled. "Yeah, it looked better to my father if they had one child & specifically a male to look more superior when in all reality Nate's an idiot" I laughed. "Look, I'm your best friend Adi you can tell me everything I won't judge. Imma go inside & look for Serena" Dan said walking back in. I look over the roof top to the city of New York. I sighed & was soon joined by the one & only smitten asshole, Chuck Bass. "Well well well" Chuck whispered then smirked, "What do we have here? Lonely boy's best friend alone & sad after being exposed that she's sleeping with Queen B's boyfriend. Mm Mm Mm, just when I thought I had you figured out." "What do you want Chuck?" I asked. "Nothing, just wanted to know if you wanted a drink" he said pulling out a whole bottle. "Gin?" I questioned looking at the bottle, "We're our parents now?" Chuck chuckled, "You're funny & pretty." He whispered in my ear sending chills down my spine. "You popping that bottle open or not?" I asked. Chuck smirked at me & opened the bottle.

At first it was just a few sips, then it was us stumbling down the stairs to make it outside in the front to get to Chuck's limo. We stumbled in & sat down. We took a glance over to each other & started laughing a little. "You know 'Winters' I like you" Chuck said lightly. "You're not too bad yourself Bass" I smiled & looked forward then to my lap.

It was a couple seconds of awkward silence until I looked at Chuck & noticed him starring at me. He put his hand on my face & caressed my cheek with his thumb. "Let's go back to my house" he whispered. Drunk out of my mind, I was starring back into Chuck's eyes. No thinking or hesitation I nod my head yes & agree to Chuck's ideas. His lips crash into mine, I go along barely knowing what I'm doing.

We get upstairs & Chuck brings me straight to his room. "Get comfortable, cause you won't be tomorrow." he says removing his tie & throwing it on to the floor as he grabs another bottle, this time it was whiskey. He took a swig & handed me the bottle. I took a couple big gulps of the whiskey. I was out of it. Chuck grabbed me by neck & kissed me slowly. He led the kisses down to my neck. My breathing was heavier than ever. He kept going until he felt like stopping. I stood up as soon as Chuck stopped & he unzipped my dress. I held it up with my arms & walked over towards Chuck's mirror. He came from behind me & placed his hands on my waist. He whispered in my ear, "Give it your all tonight, let go Adi." I hesitated for a second, then dropped my dress as Chuck whispered "Good Girl" in my ear again. I walked over to the bed removing everything I had left on. Chuck removed his shirt on the opposite side of the bed that I was standing on & starred across towards my direction. He walked slowly to behind me, looking me up & down the whole time. On a any other sober day you'd never see me looking in the direction of Chuck Bass, but tonight he had my full attention. He moved my hair to behind my shoulder & whispered, "Now lemme show you how a Bass is better than an Archibald." He roughly pushed me over the edge of the bed & took control for the whole night.

I woke up. Lost, confused, wondering why I was waking up naked next to Chuck Bass. I slowly slipped out his sheets. I grabbed the first shirt & pants I could find then left Chuck's house. I was late for school, very late.

Dan's POV:
"Nate stop worrying, she's fine she probably just over slept." Serena said as Nate started to get antsy on how Adi hadn't shown up to school yet. "If you're not cheating on me with her why do you care so much Nate?" Blair exploded. "Blair don't start." Nate warned her but Blair didn't take it as a warning. "Well then what is it Nate Archibald? Why are you worried about another girl that's not me?" Blair asked. "Be-because Adi, Adi's my little sister." Nate replied sighing. "Wait what?" Blair said as her voice cracked. "Yes, she didn't come home last night & she wasn't at her adoptive parents house either." Nate explained. "Awe Nate, i'm sorry i'm sure she'll show up." Serena said.

Adi soon walked in, in a rush obviously something was up. "Adianalise!" Nate yelled from across her paths. He ran up to her. "Where the hell were you last night?" Nate asked sternly. "I was out at a friends I'm sorry I should've called" Adi said shooken up a little. "You good Adi?" I asked. "Yeah I'm just really tired but I'll talk to y'all later" she said hurrying off to her classes. "Um, Nate." Serena said grasping for Nate's attention, "check Gossip Girl."

We went on to Gossip Girl & the new story she had up was one for the books.
"Lonely boy's best friend caught sneaking out for a night in the big city with no other than our beloved Chuck Bass. Let's see where this goes for these two soon to be love birds? xoxo Gossip Girl."

Nate looked up from his phone & looked at Chuck from across the school yard. "I've got business to handle" he said walking away from us. "He's not gonna go bat shit crazy & murder Chuck right?" I asked sarcastically. "Hopefully not" Serena says looking at me & Blair. We all watch Nate slowly approach Chuck & hope for the best that it's just a talk.

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