Chapter 1

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Kiara's P.O.V
I sighed as I walked around the museum with Percy, Grover and the rest of my class as well as Mr. Brunner and Mrs. Dodds. We were walking around the museum listening to Mr. Brunner go on aimlessly about everything in the museum I wasn't paying attention much though. Soon enough we reached the Ancient Greek part of the museum and I was actually excited for this part because for some unknown reason I am interested in Greek mythology. "Ms. Jackson" Mr. Brunner said "answer this question" "what is happening in this picture" he continued as I silently nodded along with him as I studied the picture I realised that it was Kronos eating his children but then getting overpowered by his youngest Zeus when hera feeds Kronos a rock instead "Mr. Brunner" I said steadily first "that's Kronos eating his children except from Zeus as Hera had given Kronos a rock to eat instead of the real Zeus soon enough Zeus was old enough and powerful enough to overpower Kronos but he gave Kronos a mustard like mix witch made him throw up all his siblings and together Zeus Poseidon and hades all overpower Kronos" I say in one big breath Mr. Brunner just raises an eyebrow and says well done everyone's staring at me shocked though except Percy and Grover who know of my interest in Greek mythology. Suddenly Mr. Brunner asks me why it would matter in life which I was confused as so I decided to joke a bit and say "I don't think it would matter in life unless everything in Greek mythology was real which I doubt" everyone snickered except Grover and Mr. Brunner who just looked at me startled and the Mr. Brunner got a disappointed look on his face and said that it would be best that I learn the answer to his question which I was quite confused about but anyway we headed outside to have lunch when Nancy bobifit started being mean to Grover so me and Percy went over and Percy looked mad suddenly a wave of water knocked Nancy of her feet which everyone laughed at but then Mrs. Dodds came over and everyone stopped laughing.
In an eerily calm voice she said "Ms and Mr. Jackson come here" as we followed her around the side of the museum she said that we would pay I was confused cause what had we done but then she tripled and her clothed turned leather and she looked like a grandmother had went goth suddenly a pen appeared in percy's hand and a voice in my head said to touch the water drop charm on my necklace so I did and a beautiful blue and black dagger appeared in my hand and a long sword appeared in percy's suddenly the three old bat like women lunged at me and Percy so we started to fight in the end me and Percy won and only came out with a couple of scratches each and when we came back to our class the weirdest thing happened Nancy came up to us and said I hope Ms. Kerr gave us in to big trouble but the problem was there was no Ms. Kerr which we were told was the English teacher but that was Mrs. Dodds but then again Mrs. Dodds is dead I think so there would need to be a new teacher.
AN - everything belongs to rick Riordan except from Kiara and the plot that belongs to me

Kiara Jackson the first and only daughter of Poseidon Where stories live. Discover now