~ c h a p t e r ~ o n e ~

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V sits down at the table, breathily sighing. What he didn't know was that he was actually sitting down on the table itself. You see, V is blind. Very, very blind (that means he can't see). 

He was tired, and although he could not see, he needed a change of scenery.

Rika was starting to bore him, he did not enjoy her company as much ever since they had adopted a small child by the name of Ray. This family was bland, and he had started to realize he needed something new.

Without saying a word, V bumped into the door, went back to grab his cane, and left.

V left his house and started walking down the street, he didn't know where he was going, but he knew he was going somewhere. And also interrupting traffic because he was walking down the middle of the street.

Alone with his thoughts, V wanted to look back on the past. How could his life be so pitiful? What had changed ever since he had gotten Ray with Rika?

He needed a drink, and he needed one bad.

He continued walking until someone stopped him.

"Sir, you are walking in the middle of the street." A kind voice called out from somewhere in the darkness.

"Sir, you with the blue hair, you need to get out from the middle of the road..." She called out again, "Please, I do not want you to get hurt."

Now, V did not know what the blue was, but he was sure that the girl was talking to him. He stopped and tried to use his cane to navigate himself around.

"Here, please allow me to help you. I am not busy, so don't worry." The girl went around and took V's hand (platonically). She led him over to the sidewalk where she then offered him more, "Where are you going? I can help you get there."

"There is no need, miss. I assure you. I am just out for a walk. I need to clear my thoughts." V stared blankly into space, as he tried to get some more alone time.

"No, please allow me to help you." She insisted.

"Alright, I suppose. Thank you for your help. My name is V." V sighed as the girl led him to an unknown destination.

"It's no problem! I'm Delia, it's nice to meet you!" They walked together silently, Delia trying to make sure V would not fall off of the sidewalk again, and V trying to think about his relationships.

Three Blind MiceWhere stories live. Discover now