chasing red 1

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Characters:(primary characters)

#Caleb Lockhart
Eye color: Green
Parents : Miranda Inn and another motherfucking stupid guy
Siblings: Ben Lockhart and a poor baby girl (RIP)
Date of birth : June 25th , 199?
Zodiac sign: Cancer
Allergies: peanuts and its product
Movie genre: Horror
Favorite color: Green maybe Red
Sport: Basketball (MVP)
Likes:Red, being with Red, fixing stuff , his family and again Red
Dislikes: Justin and leaving Red
Hair color: bronze haired
Best friend: Cameron St Laurent

# Veronica Strafford Red
Eye color: brown
Nationality:well Canadian
Parents: Tanya Strafford
Siblings: none
Date of birth:not mentioned, but I think April 21st would be nice
Zodiac sign:???, maybe Taurus
Movie genre: comedy or Romcom
Favorite color:it has to be Red
Likes:reading, cafes , Caleb and a dog, peanut butter
Dislikes: depending on someone
Hair color:midnight black
Best friend:Kara Hawthorne and Beth

#Beatrice Rose
Eye color:Blue
Parents :Mrs Katherine Rose and Liam
Date of birth: not mentioned
Zodiac sign???
Allergies: anxiety
Movie genre:I think Fantasy, it was mentioned that she liked watching Disney movies.
Favorite color:  yellow
Sport: none
Likes: Caleb ,Atlas, her father
Hair color: blonde
Best friend:Atlas

Eye color:not mentioned
Parents:not mentioned
Date of birth:who cares
Zodiac sign:???
Movie genre:Probably Porn
Favorite color:???
Likes: girls and money
Dislikes:rich people
Hair color: Probably blonde
Best friend: none

#Benjamin Lockhart
Eye color: confident and intelligent Grey eyes( Caleb's description)
Nationality: Canadian
Parents:Miranda Inn
Siblings: Caleb Lockhart
Date of birth:???
Zodiac Sign: ???
Allergies: none
Movie genre: action I guess
Favorite color:Blue
Likes: women
Dislikes: fake people
Hair color: dark blonde
Best friend: Caleb Lockhart

#Miranda Inn
Eye color: beautiful green eyes(Veronica's description)
Nationality: Canadian
Parents:Mr. Inn and Mrs. Inn
Siblings: none
Date of birth: ???
Zodiac sign:???
Allergies: none
Movie genre : ???
Favorite color:???
Likes: her sons and her company
Dislikes: Fake people
Hair color: Bronze haired
Best friend: ????

For a book , there are not much characters, Isabelle Ronin tried to circle the drama between primary characters and refused distractions from the little secondary character , however ,there was some things that weren't settled that's my opinion , well Isabelle clearly didn't write the end so we believe that Veronica and Caleb still have a long way to go

For those that will ask of Beth, Kara and Cameron , I have decided to add them to the spitfire and reckless in love character list also Theo

This characters aren't mine they are strictly Isabelle Ronin's , if you have any suggestions or corrections please be nice , and do not forget to vote , also read Chasing Red , Here comes trouble , the boy who broke the rules, spitfire in love and reckless in love , you could even buy the book , follow Isabelle Ronin , and me if you want

Me!!! Out...

Chasing her after my Wicked reckless days In The StormWhere stories live. Discover now