Annabeth's wedding moment

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Disclaimer: all rights go to Rick Riordan and whoever made these awesome headcanons!
(Ok. Just so you know, I'm not going to do disclaimer anymore. You all know where the rights go to and such.)
"What if I mess up?"
"Annabeth you won't mess up."
"But what if I forget my wedding vow and I end up judo flipping him like last time?"
Hazel laughed, holding up a bag full of ice.
"That's what this is for."
"Hold still, your hair is coming undone." Piper fumbled with the clips and fastened her friends hair into place. "There."
"One more thing," Annabeth said, looking at her reflection in the mirror. Hazel raised an eyebrow.
"Is the aisle spider-free?"
A/n: haha. I could totally picture Annabeth saying "Is the aisle spider-free?" It totes make sense!
I hope you guys like this book so far!😃
Thank you my fellow demigods!
From your favorite demigod ever (I hope I am or at least ONE of your favs.),

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