Chapter 2 - Ruby

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  Weeks passed, as me and Zack would spend time together almost everyday and text and call through the weekends. On the day we first met, he had asked me on what my character was like. That really left an impact on me, as it showed that he was interested in me. A cute guy like him crushing on a girl like me? No way! That's like a dream come true!

One day, we coincidentally met on a street not too far from my home whilst I was doing some thinking. I almost let the cat out of the bag to him. Luckily, I didn't. I don't think I should be telling him that I was thinking of him and the high probability that I had a crush on him.

We went drinking at a bar he worked at. We shared a pint of beer as I didn't want to drink too much that night.

I looked around, taking in the environment around me. There were quite a few people here and there, all drinking and seemed like they were having the time of their lives. I looked over to Zack, who was looking through the vast variety of bottles behind the bar. I wondered if he has ever drunk anything besides beer. He seemed like a whiskey type of guy. Surely, he has drunk at least a bottle of whiskey before, considering he worked at a bar.

He then told me that he actually worked there as a performer, and that's the reason why he was so close to the owner, whom he calls 'Uncle Tom'. A pianist and a singer, he says. Wow, I'm sure my father would approve of him. I thought to myself.

I begged him to play a piece on stage. At first, he didn't want to, saying that he wasn't prepared or something like that. But he eventually gave in. Fortunately, Uncle Tom allowed him to play too.

I moved to the front to watch Zack play. He then started playing a very wonderful song – one that is melodic and very cheerful. I looked around and saw that nearly the entire bar was watching him play.

It was truly admirable, the way he played. I could see from the way he moved and from the glint in those eyes that he was truly enjoying himself. I could hear from the uplift in his beautiful voice that he was happy. The whole sight made me smile from ear to ear.

However, things took a turn for the worse.

After he finished playing, a man burst through the doors of the bar and screamed for Zack, completely silencing the rousing applause from before. I didn't know who the man was, but by the looks of it, he seemed to be Zack's father.

Things got even more terrible when the man started beating the life out of Zack. I was shocked and horrified. I couldn't move. I was completely frozen in place.

From afar, I could hear Zack groaning in pain after each punch and kick. I couldn't do anything. My eyes went wide as I watched the whole situation took place.

Thankfully, someone managed to pull the man off Zack, who proceeded to retreat from the scene. Zack soon got back up and looked over at me. In those eyes, I could see a violent and aggressive glint of anger. It was burning in him, like wildfire.

Without saying another word, Zack took off, stumbling and staggering at every few steps. Worry overtook me, and I quickly decided to chase after him out of the bar.

He didn't get too far away. About a hundred meters away, I spotted Zack crumpled on the ground.

"Zack! ZACK!" I shrieked at the top of my lungs as panic slowly crawled through my body.

Soon, I reached where his body was. I knelt next to him, shaking him, trying to make him stay awake. However, to no avail. I could see his eyes slowly start to close as his body starts becoming loose beneath me. Thinking as fast as I could, I pulled out my phone and called my father.

"Hello? Ruby?" My father greeted.

"Dad! Help! My friend, he's bleeding quite heavily. Call Doctor Liam! Please..." I screamed and pleaded.

"Alright, Ruby, calm down. I will call him immediately. Where are you? I'll come pick the two of you up."

I then informed him of my location and 10 minutes later, I spotted my father's car screech on the street next to me. My father rushed out and carried Zack into the car. I entered the car and sat next to Zack, holding a piece of fabric my father handed to me against the cut on the back of his head. He lay down on my lap, looking up at me. I stared down worriedly onto his unconscious face.

"Doctor Liam will be arriving in about five minutes' time, fortunately." My father spoke as he sped through the empty streets towards our home. "But you know, I must ask, who is this kid?"

I paused for a moment, then told him that I would explain everything to him later.


10 minutes later, Zack was getting patched up by Doctor Liam, who was our family doctor. He said he was in a stable condition, fortunately, and should be awake by the next morning.

I heaved a sigh of relief. Zack was laying on a bed in one of the guest rooms of my home. I sat on a chair next to that bed, while my father stood behind me.

He handed me a glass of water, as he asked, "So? What's the story? Who is this?"

I took a sip of the water. "Well, he... he's the first friend I've made. He helped me get to class on the first day of school."

I paused for a moment. Then, he asked, "Are you sure he's just friend?"

I got startled at the question. I was not expecting for him to spot it that fast.

"Well... I guess I do have feelings for him. He's very... nice and kind towards me. Actually, he's nice to everyone around him, even though almost everyone around him seem to be intimidated by him. He's very kind-hearted, and he doesn't act like he's better than everyone else. He is genuinely humble. And I love him for all that." I paused for a moment. "Besides, he's cute." I explained to him.

He didn't say anything for a moment, but I could feel his eyes on me. "Sorry I didn't tell you before, dad." I apologized as I turned to look at him.

"It's alright, Ruby. I'm actually quite happy for you. After all, I did send you to a school to let you be more social and perhaps find a relationship if you wanted. I wanted you to spend the last of your teenage years to the fullest, and it seems that you are already doing so. You have no idea how ecstatic I am for you, Ruby." My father assured me.

I smiled. "Thank you."

There was a long silence before my father left the room. I watched Zack for a little while more, before I left the room and went to sleep in my room. In my head, I could only hope that things turn out well between me and him.

Because with all my heart, I really do love him, and I would love to cherish him for the rest of my life.

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