part 11

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I saw my mom. She was obviously drunk and stumbling everywhere. she turned around and saw me then looked away instantly. I ran up to Anthony and held his hand for reassurance.

When we got back home I ran up to my room which was freshly painted a very very light blue. I put in LEDs and some pretty decorations. I heard the doorbell ring so I ran downstairs.

I opened the door and it was an IKEA deliver who was dropping off my furniture. I signed a piece of paper and paid him. I realised there was a lot of stuff like beds and couches so I had to get the boys. I called out for Jaden and Josh and Quinton.

They came downstairs and all smiled and turned to me. I asked them if they could help me. Quinton and Jaden both grabbed the bed, while Josh helped me grab a single person couch. I ran upstairs and told the boys were to put all the furniture

I looked at all my decor and got started it took me a couple of hours but I got it eventually. This is what it looks like:

I called the boys in to have a look

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I called the boys in to have a look. I heard them all running up the stairs then stop at my door and knocked. I was confused why they knocked "ummm you can come in". They opened the door and stepped in, I realised that it was only josh and Jaden. "Where is Quinton?" I asked them, they stood there for a second then spoke "uuuhhhh he's gone for a walk" josh said, I didn't really believe him.

It was an awkward silence until Jaden said "I love how you decorated your room", I smiled and jumped into his arms. He was holding me bridal styles and put his head on my head. I looked over at josh with puppy eyes and begged "can we pretty please go get ice cream" he looked at me and smirked "ok princess".

I jumped out of Jaden's arms and moves over to my dresser where my clothes were and picked out black ripped jeans and a white singlet crop top. I remember that the boys where still in my room and just watched me get changed. I slowly turned around and saw them staring at me. I blushed bright red and looked down at the ground.

I think josh realised I was getting shy and yelled "let's go get some ice cream!" He ran over to me and picked me up, I was very small and light so it was pretty easy. I wrapped my legs around his waist and arms around his neck.

He grabbed his wallet and keys and ran out to the car. I heard Jaden running after us, I looked at him and giggled. Jaden drove as usual and Josh was in the passenger side. He walked around to put me and the back seat, but I was so comfortable and warm, so I held on.

He tried to get my arms from around his neck off but I held on. He gave up and sat in the front with my still holding onto him. I started to fall asleep from him playing with my hair. Then all of a sudden I fell asleep.

I woke up to josh being inside the ice cream shop with me still in his arms. He already ordered my FAV ice cream, peanut butter cups, and sat down. I was still half asleep but I was determined to eat my yummy ice cream. I still had my eyes closed and didn't want to open them. I grabbed my ice cream which was in a cup cause I hate cones and tried to put the spoon in my mouth but I kept missing. Jaden noticed my struggle and grabbed the cup and spoon and fed me. I was so happy he did cause it was so funny.

I almost fell asleep a few times but woke up again. When I finished my cup I put my head down on my arms on the table. I felt arms wrap around me and jumped up and fell back, I knew now never to trust arms around you. I put my head down so I didn't have to look at him and I put my arm up for defence.

Then I felt the person grab my waist and pull me up onto him,I realised it was jaden. He carried me to the car and tried to lay me down in the back seat. I held on because I felt so safe in his arms. This time josh drove while I sat on Jaden's lap crying into his shoulder.

Jaden was stroking my hair  and I felt my self explode on the inside. I all of a sudden felt really sick and screamed "STOP THE CAR" josh immediately stopped the car. I jumped out of the car and collapsed on the ground. I started to vomit and cry.

Jaden sat next to me and held my hair back. I finished vomiting and sat back on Jaden's lap in the car. He gave me water and a piece of gum to get the taste out.

We got around 5 minutes away from home and I started to feel dizzy, I remembered that I forgot to tell them I have seizures when I feel stressed. I start to shake a little and Jaden feels it and puts my head up to see me. I started to shake harder now and there is pain shooting down my body. "MAKE IT STOP AAAHHH" I screamed as the pain grew.

Josh went faster towards home and I continued to scream. Jaden began crying and holding me close.

We got home and Jaden took me into Anthony's room because they knew he always calms me down. Jaden layed me down next to Anthony and leaves me with him.

I still had pain shocking me like electricity. Anthony pulled me onto him chest and strokes my hair, he bounced a little like I was a baby. I began to stop shaking  and calm down. I soon fell asleep to his heartbeat.

Thanks for reading and tell me what else I should put in the story xx

Word count:1050

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