Voting time!![CLOSED]

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Quirk voting time for [Y/N], vote for the ones you like most!!! good luck! I'll be picking the ones with the most votes!

1. TornaGamer

-elementary: control and create all elements and their variants, including light and dark. inconvenient: headaches if your quirk uses it for more than an hour and a half.

2. poison_cotton_candy

- hybrid telekinetic wolf telekinesis: is like uraraka's quirk but being able to use it anytime, the object won't float, it'll move however you want it to.

-push: you can see what happened throughout someones life, you can see their future, and remove and place memories in their head.

3. Shadow_Wolf6203

-Night Wave: What it can do: make anything you want outta pure darkness

•Weakness: having to use it in the sunlight, that weakens what you can make.
•Down-sides: if you create to much things you can pass out and or have trouble with your voice, if you create a animal and its dark as night outside then it'll grow more outta control, kinda like dark shadow.
•Your also aloud to make yourself a animal if you really want or need to.

4.FlippingSophie_YeetSt-Control: How about Control? It's a quirk meant for quickless people.It makes they're life look and feel like a video game, where they are the admin. It let's you stop time, copy someone's quick, teleport you, basically everything.With this quick you're practically invincible. It appears in the form of a control panel, letting you see and do a lot. You can even see the information of the peeps standing in front of you. The panel can be also invisible.

5. cherries_saku- Oh! I got one! How about Siren or Voice of Stone. Everything they say seems the listener to be fact, thus the listeners thought are written in stone when the reader targets them. For the Siren quirk, how about when the reader sings, their targets mind goes blank and gets drawn to the reader. Just like the sirens in the Greek myths.

6. aniya_yama09 - Hm.. How about blood crystallization/ hemokinesis. They can manipulate their blood both in and out of their body. They can harden his blood into weapons and can manipulate other's blood only if it's outside of a body.

7. Patrick617-Maybe a wolf type quirk

8. Kannayuri122-She can have a transfermation quirk .she can transform to anything she wants and she can turn to half human and half the thing she transformed to and she can release anything from her hands like water,

-No qurik
-Ice Spear, Ice Claw
-Ice KnifeYou create a shard of ice and fling it at one creature within range. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 1d10 piercing damage. Hit or miss, the shard then explodes. The target and each creature within 5 feet of it must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 2d6 cold damage.At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the cold damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 1st.

10: JulietAnime3
- Puppeteer:

White thin strings will connected into a person body part. Such as The Head, body arms and leg, lastly the heartThe strings was connected in each of his finger and five of the finger control 1 person body, which means he can control 2 people at the same timeThe strings is Thin but very difficult to Cut. And it was so hard to spot the strings especially if the Civilians is far away from him.
-The drawback is, if use it more then an hour or two the strings will probably lose it control and each strings will control 1 person. Which means:10 finger =10 strings10 strings = 10 people who got controlOh yeah, if the strings connect toward the Heart the person will automatically will look emotionless. They can't remember or Feel any Pain unless they were free from the connection stringsIt basically like how we play a puppet with a strings. The only way to make this stop is to make the user reach toward his old and black memory.

11. KashnDeekathus
-Quirk learning: the more the wielder of study a person's quirk(s) they will eventually begin to be able to use that quirk. It takes 5-6 years(on average) for the wielder to be able to use a studied quirk to it's fullest extent
This quirk has allowed the main character to attain the quirk Arbor from Kamui Woods (don't ask me how that would work) without him ever knowing.
If Y/N,L/N only ever gets a single glance at a quirk he will be forced to either make up his own assumptions about the quirk.

12. Heaven857
-Jack Frost Power

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