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Chan, opening the fridge to find Felix sitting inside: umm, Felix, what on earth are you doing?

Felix: well, I decided to bake some cookies and the instructions said to chill in the fridge for an hour so here I am

Chan: no, that's not what- wait-

Chan: where's the food? Felix, WHERE'S THE FOOD?!?!


you have reached the end of this book!

well more like I reached the limit- welp :(

anyways, thank you so much for reading, voting and commenting!

I had fun reading through the comments hehehe

sadly, I won't do a part 3 but I really hope you guys enjoyed this and part one!

If you guys are still bored, bc quarantine, I do have a Hyunjin ff that I'm writing¿ so you could always check that out!

(I apologise in advance if you do read it bc it's really bad- I'm just really lazy to go back and edit it oof)

I realised I forgot to put a link welp

but I'd love to hear your thoughts on it¿

bye bye for now! And thank you once again!

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