Chapter 13

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Well if you made it this far u like my story. Thank you guys for all the reads, votes, and comments. I love u all and dont forget who made this story first come to life. Wanta-dj so she deserves the creddit. Well on to the story enjoy.

Pewdies pov
"MORGAN!" I was just a finger tip away from caching her. But her head hit the cornner of the table. Her little body hit the floor hard and stiff. "We need to take her to the hispitle again." Cry picked up morgan. "Wait mabey she will be ok she has already been to the hospitle enough." She is only 12 (a/n i think she is at least) and she has been to the hospitle moree times then an elderly lady. "Ok we will wait here till she wakes up if she needs to go to the hospital then we will take her." Mazia took morgan from cry and layed her on a little bed we made in the floor. Then she sat down next to morgan. "Ok that sounds good." I looked around the small apartment at all of my friends. Mazia, cry, ken, puga, and edger. We were one big happy dysfunctional family. "I think she's waking up." Mazia looked at morgan causeing everyone to crowed around her. "Is she ok?" Ken asked. "I dont know seeing as how she's not awake yet ken." Cry crossed his arms if it wasn't for his mask i bet we would see a *are you serious* face. "I love you guys." Morgan looked around the room at us all. "Thank you for always beeing there for me. Im sorry for the things I have done wrong. You don't deserve a daughter like me you deserve better." She had tears forming in her eyes."Your right morgan." Everyone looked at me especialy morgan. "Your way to fabulous for us." Morgan jumped up and huged me woth big tears in her eyes. "Morgan we all love you and nothing you ever do will change that." I picked her up and spun her around. I sat her back down "What do you say we all go out and get some ice cream." I looked around to everyone. "YAAAAY!" I almost forgot that this room is full of nothung but children.

Crys pov

"YAAAAY" We all cheered "I'll drive." Mazia snached the keys from key hook. "Lest go- wait its almost 10." (a/n us time srry uk i still love u) Ken looked down at his watch. "Well then we better hurry." I ran past everyone else. "Shot gun!" Ken ran infront of meh? How but... i ..... bu-...allwell at leat I get to sit with my godchild and spend some time with her. "Fine." Felix yelled "But don't get atracked to my girlfriend." Felix waved his fist in the air playfully. After taking 27 flights of stairs because the elevator was broken. (a/n haha bro-ken like the broken podcast i will just leave now) We made it to the car mazia and ken in front then me,morgan, and felix in the back. "Ok everyone ready?" Mazia called out "Ready!" All of us chimed. We all seemed like a big family heading out to get some ice cream. I felt loved I finaly found were I belonged. "MAZIA WATCH OU-" Everything went by in slow motion. I looked over to see a pick-up headed right for the side. I had only seconds to react mazia tryied to swerve but didn't manage to get completly out of the way it was on my side I looked over to ken who blocked mazia. The I looked to felix who had so much fear in his eyes and went to grab morgan who was cringing up. I turned to cover morgan if I was going to die im goung to go trying to save a life. Everything was back to normal speed then blakness. My hole body was num I felt something cold touching my face. Alomg with something warm running down it as well a loud ringing noise was taking over my hearing. I tryed to move but it didnt work. I barly had enough strenth to open my eyes. Everyone was rushing around they were blurred dots running to fast for me to see what was going on. "LOOK! He's alive get him into the ambalance." Two men picked me up and layed me down onto a bed. I looked back to see my mask cracked covered in blood. Nononono they are going to see my face they can't ill be taken away from morgan and my friends. Then it all hit me MORGAN,FELIX,KEN,AND MAZIA! Are they alive did they make it? Before the doors to the ambalance shut I caught a glimps oof felix lying on the groung with his arm over morgan. Then everything went black again. Im I dying? I would hope so my life was perfict untill now. I had a family again. Every thing was just getting better for me. Then it was all riped away like before. Just please let me die please please.......please.............please...........


So how do u like the story so far? It broke my hart wrighting that but its all for you guys. So hope u enjoyed tell me what you think about it. Also soon I will add music to go with the story if u would like. I love you all*bro fist*

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