The Kiss???

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(Aria's point of view)

My life has been great so far. Except one part, tutoring Aiden. It's always so weird around us. It has also started to effect my relationship with Josh. We only get to hang out during school and on the weekends sometimes since my afternoons are busy with Aiden. I'm not blaming him for it, I'm just sad that Josh isn't always around. Well right now I'm waiting for Josh and Aiden to finish practice. "Hey baby.", Josh said trying to kiss me.
I pulled away before he could kiss me and he looked at me curiously. "Ew Josh, you're all sweaty!" I yelled.
He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me close and kissed me anyway. God he's so adorable. He went to shower at the same time Aiden came out. We both sat patiently waiting for him.Josh finally came out and said that since today is Friday we should ditch tutoring and we should go to a movie. I liked that idea but I also knew that Aiden only had 2 more weeks to fix his grades.
"Maybe not this Friday but another one", I said pulling Josh into a side hug kissing his neck.
"Why not...pleasee?" Josh asked.
"I don't know, it's up to Aiden.", I said.
Josh and I looked at Aiden.
"I don't know, I was going to hang out with my girlfriend.", he stated.
Josh started laughing when Aiden said "girlfriend". I slapped his arm and they both started joking about how Aiden just plays with girls. I have to admit it kind of hurt when Aiden said he has a girlfriend but I tried not to let it show.
"Why don't you bring her along?", I asked. He called her and she unfortunately agreed. The 3 of us sat there waiting for his girlfriend to come so that we all could drive together. 15 minutes later she arrived and we all got in the car to leave. Lia and I sat in the back while Josh and Aiden sat in the front. About 35 minutes later we arrived at the movie theater.

"This movie is so good!" Lia squealed while we were waiting for the movie to start. It was the intermission time. Josh wanted to get a drink and I got up to go with him when my popcorn dropped. "Shit!' i said. "Hey baby, no bad words", Josh said. "Josh why don't I come with you, I need to go to the restroom anyway.", stated Lia. When they left Aiden and I started cleaning up the mess that was caused thanks to me. After about 5 minutes of cleaning up, I sighed looking at the rest of the mess that was left. I turned around to tell Aiden that he didn't need to help me anymore when I realized how close we were to each other. I was about to get up when he grabbed my arm and kissed me. I just sat there in shock not knowing what to do and then realized his lips were still on mine and I quickly pulled away. "I'm so sorry. So so so sorry', he mumbled while getting up. I got up also and told him it was no big deal and that it was fine.

(Aiden's point of view)

Josh and Lia came back and the movie was starting again. I couldn't focus on the movie. I kept thinking of how much of an idiot I was. I can't believe that I kissed Aria! I was kind of happy that she didn't pull away right away but I was also sad because i kind of made her cheat on Josh. Her lips are so soft, they're nothing compared to all the other girls I have kissed. Thinking these random thoughts in my brain, I missed the rest of the movie. "Well that was a great movie." Josh said looking at Lia and I.I could see his arms wrapped around Aria's waist and it made me kind of mad. I let Josh and Lia leave first and then i once again told Aria that I was sorry. She just smiled and said it's fine. We got outside and it was very chilly. Josh handed Aria his jacket and Lia just stood there shivering slightly. "So there's a party tomorrow, you guys wanna come?" , Josh asked Lia and I. "Of course we do!", Lia squealed! God her voice is so annoying. We all got in the car and Josh dropped Lia and I off at the school so that I could drive my own car. After Josh and Aria left, Lia and I drove off. "Josh and Aria are such a cute couple." she said while turning the heater on. I didn't respond. I was sad that Aria wasn't mine but I was also happy that she found someone who cares about her. I smiled remembering when Josh gave her his jacket and hugged her to keep her warm, part of me wished it was me doing that to her. I was interrupted from my chain of thoughts when Lia began to speak again. "How come you didn't give me your jacket? Did you not see me shivering? Do you even love me?", Lia asked. "LIA SHUT THE FUCK UP!", I yelled at her. She quickly became quiet.When we got to her house and she got out to leave, I mumbled a small sorry to her and she smiled and said bye to me and that she would see tomorrow for the party. After getting home , I saw that everyone was asleep so I warmed up some pizza,ate,took a shower and then went to sleep. Today was a very interesting day.

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