Dog's Wisdom

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This story is based off of Jack London's short story To Build a Fire. The last stanza is my experience. This is another English assignment hope you enjoy!
Dog's Wisdom
Walking alongside my owner I am at great astonishment on his arrogance.
"It's safer if to turn back."
He walks on neglecting my warning just like how he brushed off the words of the old man.
"70 below, a very dangerous temperature for the human body."
I can smell death creeping upon him,
he won't last long enough to make it back to camp.
Scanning the area I see snow.
snow upon tree tops and branches,
snow making little mounds on the white snow filled floor.
Yes, he won't last and if he does he'll only get lost in the snowy tundra.
"Humans do not last long in this weather. Going back is a safer root, lets get another person to join us, there is a higher chance of survival that way."
Once again not looking down or making eye contact master keeps moving onward.
Feeling the wind ruffling my fur I only get a slight chill,
master is most likely feeling worse.
He is not a smart man his negligence will be his downfall.
"Listening to the old man wouldn't have been so bad. We still have a chance to head back."
I can tell he's a dead man walking,
I don't know if this is his ego or if he wants to see his boys,
but I know if we keep on going he won't make it.
Looks like I was right,
he seems to be losing touch with his body parts,
he will soon be a lifeless heap if he keeps ignoring me.
A frozen man he will be.
Let him see the dead man he will be.
"Dead men keep walking, that is he, it is too late for thou."

I remember once,
I did not pay heed to advice I was given.
Back a few years,
not too long ago.
Being a newbie,
knowing no one, but I made a few friends.
They warned me about another girl, who was their 'friend'.
Saying she was a thief and a liar.
I took heed to their warning,
but then I blew caution to the wind.
befriending her I found out what they said was wrong.
That was all for not,
she stole from me and lied.
False promises that I so naively believed.
Eventually I figured out that next time I should heed warnings better,
especially when a majority of people tell me such words.
I was new of course I didn't know,
but disregarding the warning cost me.

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