Beach sex GXG

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Ellie's pov
Me and ash are at the beach we are sitting on the sand ash is on my lap we are covered by a blanket so I decided to take advantage of it I start massaging her breasts making her bite her lip to stop herself moaning

I rub my hands around her stomach and bite  and sick on her neck I then go to her earlobe look at you slut hmm you're going to get fucked on a beach baby making her squirm and whimper

I then move my hand to her shorts and graze my hand over her inner thigh she gasps I  move start my hand along her pussy already so wet for me baby I say uhh she moans I then begin to finger Ashley while rubbing her clit

Ashley's pov
Ellie's is fingering me at the beach fuck I say quietly she then starts rubbing my clit while she is fingering me I bite my lip so much it bleeds uhh fuck I say Ellie right there I moan she continues fingering me and rubbing my clit

I then feel a need to release cum for me baby Ellie says I let out a long strand of moans while Ellie rides me out of my high

Let's just say we were never aloud back at the beach again

Sorry about such a crappy chapter

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