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The small blonde nervously asked. "Have you ever played the Pocky game?"

Olivia scrunched her eyebrows together, wracking her brain if she recalled hearing of such a game. Only a couple of minutes passed until she gave up and admitted her lack of knowledge. "No, never heard of it," But her confidence in playing games didn't falter, maybe a bit cocky, but she was good at any game. "but I bet I will beat you."

The ravenette watched Chaewon unpackage a fresh pack of the sweet chocolate-covered snack. The older girl pressed the Pocky up against Hyejoo's lips, implying to open her mouth.

The younger girl giggled and gladly accepted being fed the tasty treat, but she did not expect for Chaewon to start straddling her. The blonde sat comfortably in Olivia's lap and placed her hands on the ravenette's shoulders, gripping a bit tighter when Chaewon took the other end of the snack in her mouth.

Wide-eyed and in shock, Olivia wasn't sure what was happening. Was it part of the game? What were the rules? And why was Chaewon nibbling ever so closer towards her lips?

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