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"Hyejoo-yahh!" a sing-song voice rang out of the apartment door upon her arrival.

The younger girl grumbled as soon as the ever so slightly taller girl opened the door with the dumbest grin plastered on her face. The ravenette wasn't familiar with the brunette's shorter hair, who once prided in her long hair that almost reached her hips, but now cut so that it fell just below her shoulders. Sooyoung beamed brightly with her bunny teeth smile, and before Hyejoo could utter a word, she found herself tightly wrapped in her older sister's arms.

"I missed you so much, baby sister!" Sooyoung nuzzled her cheeks together with Hyejoo's.

The younger girl pushed her sister away in disgust. "Ahhh! Stop it! I'm not a kid anymore!"

The brunette pouted with downturned lips and drew fake tears down her eyes. "But you will always be my baby sister."

"Aish, you're such a hag." Hyejoo did her best to hide her small smile as she rolled her eyes and dragged her suitcase and bags into the living room.

Sooyoung ignored the rude comment, knowing it was their way of showing love. Her expressions of fun and happiness turned to a sincere and soft look, maybe even laced with a bit of concern. "You're doing well, right, Hyejoo?"

Hyejoo hated seeing that face from her sister. It was an expression she has grown up with around her family, and it has always pained her to see it despite their best efforts to keep their best smile on. Sooyoung's dumb bunny teeth smile, and scrunched nose was more fitting for her to wear, and Hyejoo wished she wasn't one of the sources of Sooyoung's worries. "I'm doing fine, Soo. See?" The ravenette tried to sound reassuring and gestured to herself. "I wouldn't be here if mom thought otherwise."

The older girl hummed in response, still a bit doubtful, but she didn't want to push Hyejoo, knowing she would prefer to avoid the conversation altogether. With that temporarily under the rug, she linked arms with her sister and tugged Hyejoo along to give her a brief tour of their humble abode.

The apartment was pretty small, but that's to be expected if you lived in the city close to their college campus. The place was decorated with random thrift store finds and vintage electronics. Sooyoung had a habit of liking old retro things. Despite the wear and imperfections from vintage items, there was some beauty behind the patina as if it was able to tell a story about its life or how previous owners lived their lives. Hyejoo just thinks she is a hag and must be a grandma living in a college student's body.

There was no surprise the older sister was a bit messy, despite Sooyoung's "best" effort to tidy the place up. It was clean by Sooyoung's standards, which meant books and paper were off the floor and tossed on the coffee table, clothes were out of the public area and thrown carelessly wherever in her bedroom, and dirty dishes weren't left out, but stacked in the sink so they could "soak."

Hyejoo didn't mind the lack of cleanliness. She already knew that her sister was messy. If anything, Sooyoung was cleaner than she was. At least her sister would make an effort to clean, while Hyejoo would be too lazy to do so unless she was told otherwise. Still, she teased her older sibling, "I see Jiwoo hasn't been over for a few days." The only time Sooyoung made a real effort to make the place spotless was whenever her girlfriend came over.

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