Chapter 8: A New Alliance

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The U.S.S Poseidon sped through light speed at incredible acceleration compared to the Star Destroyer fleet that perused the ship. Led by Admiral Cohen, the same one that ambushed Sabine and Ahsoka on the forest planet. The one who ironically helped Sabine find Ezra in the first place. The main senior crew members of the ship were called to the observation room to discuss the plan of how to deal with the Empire with the help of the New Republic. At the head of the table was Captain Minerva, behind her was the members of Main Engineering and the security team. While the Main Science Officer Johannes Versailles, was presenting their findings. " As you can see, the New Republic navy has sent us quite a bit of information on the Empires main warship: The Star Destroyer. Its main array of weapons is its turbolaser batteries on the top and bottom of the hull, and are designed for ship to ship combat, as well as orbital bombardment. Its main weakness is its poorly designed configuration of the bridge. Which stands on the top of the craft. I was personally told that the ships commanders are also extremely overconfident." "What about the smaller craft? The TIE fighter." One of the Tactical officers asked. "Well they are lightly armored, but can do a considerable amount of damage on their own. However, many are seen in attack groups as their survival and combat effectiveness relies on it." He replied. I bet they can be easily taken out by our phasers. Minerva thought "And what can we do about their shields? We can't always risk a boarding party to take out the Shield generators." Captain Minerva finally spoke out to ask one of the most important questions, and she was right, if they kept sending away teams to the ships to take out the shields, they would most likely be killed. "What if it's just me and Ezra?" Sabine asked with Ezra walking in the room slowly in behind her. Ezra for the sake of appearances had chosen to keep his Mandalorian helmet and armor on.

The rest of the crew were a bit surprised to see one of their new allies waltz into the meeting room without an invite, and some of them even got miffed to see someone with no real rank and authority to the Federation make orders and recommendations. "Alright, Sabine......Explain." The captain ordered the Mandalorian. "Thank you. I took the time to analyze your ships weapons systems and found that the only way for you to penetrate the Empires shields is to modify the phasers vibrations to match those of the Destroyers' shields wavelength. However, in order to do that I would need to take a look at their shield generator specs. Unless you guys have one lying around. " She informed half sarcastically. Wanting to help out but at the same time not wanting to override his girlfriend's commanding presence, he put one of his hands on her shoulder. "We could try and steal one." Ezra offered, almost like he took Sabine's joke seriously, because of that she gave him a good stare trying to figure out what he was thinking, but she was not the only one. Minerva had questions. "What exactly do you propose?" She asked in a no-nonsense tone. The young Jedi gulped with discomfort at the prospect of explaining his plan to more than five or six people. While Ezra had explained plans, he had come up with to his Ghost crew family. He had never done so in front of Rebel command on Yavin IV, in fact most of the time he was not even allowed in the room with them. Though eventually he gained the confidence to speak. "Uh... I propose that me and Sabine, um infiltrate a Destroyer and steal the generator specs." He explained, still not sounding confident in the probability of his plan working. So as usual Sabine noticed and pitched in to help him. Seriously not wanting for him to embarrass himself and her, mostly her. "We'll have to disguise ourselves in Imperial gear in order to get in, luckily we still have that Lambda Shuttle me and Ezra used to escape Thrawn's flagship." Sabine elaborated further, taking out a hologram of a Destroyer from her belt. "We will have to send a Destroyer the landing codes in order to get inside. The problem is we'll have to find the blasted ship first." Minerva nodded before moving her head back in her chair to see if everyone was on board. Everyone in the room nodded at their captain in approval, surprised at the couples' ability to come up with a solid plan so quickly and efficiently. Seeing the crew's response and nodding back, Minerva turned to face Sabine and Ezra. "Alright, meeting dismissed." She ordered and as per her expectation, the crew left the room quietly to their workstations or to their quarters. The Mandalorian artist and the Jedi left the room almost instantly to get ready for their new assignment. Minerva was the only one to stay in the lounge, getting up from her chair to the replicator, and asking for red wine. It was after all 10:00 at night, and she needed some time to herself.

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