The Real World!

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Rust woke up from his slumber. "Huh... Where am I?" Rust said and his eyes were blurry so he couldn't see anything right yet, but he knew this place was peculiar.

His eyes finally didn't blur and he can take in the surroundings. Rust looked around and was immedietly amazed that he shot up. "WOAH! IS THIS ONE OF THOSE AMAZINGLY REAL-LIKE GRAPHICS?" Rust blurted out, still amazed.

He started to calm down a bit but he noticed his clothing changed.

Rust had pale-white skin with a brown hoodie, he still had his rusty chest but he had no hair. Rust also had blue leggings and was wearing some sort of modern shoe brand labeled "NIKE"

Rust then started to get confused on why his clothing changed.

"I appreciate the new clothing but.. who changed me" Rust whispered the last part, he looked back at the tree he was resting on.

the portal was gone.

"Oh. Well I guess I can just leave." Rust then tried to pull up the menu to Reset, Leave and to Resume. Rust was making hand motions in the air but nothing was appearing.

"Uh... Come on..." Rust said, starting to panic. He frantically did more hand motions and the menu still wouldn't pop out.

"A-am I doing this wrong?!" Rust screamed and he walked towards where the portal dissapearwd and stomped on it.

"Come back I wanna leave!" Rust still screamed and was throwing an adult tantrum

He calmed down and was hyperventilating.

"Okay.. I'm stuck here... In this... game..? Don't panic, there's a way out.." Rust whispered to himself but he knew on the inside he was panicking.

Rust started to walk forwards and he immedietly saw grown up Apple Trees and Orange Trees. Rust felt hungry so he decided to pick up one apple from a tree.. if he could.

"Can I at least have one, tree?!" Rust said while throwing a small rock at an apple, hoping for it to come down. It didn't so Rust decided to resort to another option, climb the tree.

Rust then faced the tree and started to climb it, he made good progress and the apple was in his reach. He reached his hand out and was inches touching the apple but then, he lost grip of the tree then fell down the tree, leaving a couple of injuries and some pain obviously.

Rust hissed in pain and sighed. "It would be easier if those monsters were here," Rust said to himself. He was a bit close to spawn also so he can go there whenever to check up if the portal comes back.

While he was looking at the apple, at the corner of his eye, he saw something shining.

He walked to it because it was close by and to his surprise, it was a lake reflecting the sunlight.

"Wow, reminds me of the lake in my game." Rust chirped to no-one except himself. He noticed a shack on the other side, like a cabin. There was a path leading to the cabin into another part of the forest.

He decided to go investigate and he walked around the edges of the lake until he arrived in the so-called shack and opened the door.

"It isn't locked, huh." Rust said and opened the door. The door creaked and it was pitch black in the shack with no windows on it whatsoever.

"I can't see, is there a light switch here somewhere?" Rust questioned and started examining the walls nearby and Rust found one. He flipped it on and the lightbulb lit open and the entire room lit up.

There was a very long desk at the end of the shack, it touched the walls and there was a single chair. Then at the wall nearby the table had a rack of... farming tools. There was a couple of stuff on the desk too and he noticed at the side of the walls had a chest while the other side had a shelf.

The shack was messy in general. Rust decided to turn off the light and close the door.

He looked at the path below him and started following it, no longer than 25 seconds, he was in a meadow with moos, oinks, chirps and other animal noises. He saw a big barn with a little house on the side and he started to investigate as well.

"This looks like a farm," Rust stated the obvious and approached the pen of chickens.

He started to walk at the other pens and then the barn. He went inside and no one was in there except some horses and haybale, he saw a ladder leading to the top but he could check later.

He then saw the house on the side and decided to check on it, he opened the door, surprised that it isn't locked and went face to face with a human.

The farmer went into a confused look and Rust internally panicked. "May I... help you?" The farmer said to Rust.

"Uh.. Yeah, can I have some water?" Rust asked for. "Sure thing!" The farmer chirped and went inside his house. Rust was surprised he accepted as he was in front of a stranger.

He came back with a glass of water and Rust took it and took a sip.

"So.. Are you around these parts?" The farmer asked and this took Rust off guard.

"Huh?" Rust asked confused.

"Your looks, you don't look very... human." Evan asked suspiciously and Rust remembered his white-pale skin.

"Oh- uh" Rust stammered with his words and he couldn't formed a single sentence.

"Oh well, why are you all the way out here?" Evan asked.

"I was minding my own business and then I got sucked in a portal and now I'm stuck here and I don't know where to go!" Rust could have said that but he didn't, too ridiculous and that farmer wouldn't believe him.

"Oh- erm, you could say I have no home." Rust said.

"Homeless?" The farmer asked.

"Y-yeah" Rust assured so.

"Oh, I can give you a home! Its just a shack though.." The farmer said and Rust was taken off guard by that.

"Wait, really?"

"Yeah, I have no use for it anymore."

The farmer pointed to a lonely old shack nearby a cow pen.

"Thank you so much!" Rust said thankfully while Evan said "No probs."

While they were walking to the shack, they made small talk.

"Hey, what's your name?" Evan asked.

"Rust_010, you can call me Rust." Rust said.

"Wow, unnatural name. I'm Evan." The farmer stated.

Well, maybe Rust is stuck here forever? Is there a solution to escape, or will someone end up the same fate as him..


Hellooooooooo, as you can see I kept Rust and Evan! blah blah blah this story has 1000+ words yaya. See ya next chapter!

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