chapter 1

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maddy's pov:
i wake up at 1 am hearing my parents yelling and arguing. it was starting to become a everynight thing. i hated it so much. so what do i usually do when i can't sleep and my parents are arguing? sneak out smoke and go to the skate park.

i get up out of my bed and put on a black champion hoodie since it was a little chilly. i go into my closet and reach into one of my jacket pockets and grab a joint. then i reach under my bed to grab the fire escape latter since i live in a 2 story house. my parents never come up into my room at night so i never get caught.

i finally reached the ground from my latter and pull out my phone just to check the time. 1:15. i know it's kinda dangerous to be out this late but i have pepper spray and i just hope for the best.

since i live so close to the skate park it takes me around 15 minutes just to skate there.
thankfully no one is there. i sit on a bench and spark up. nothing better than this.

i finish the joint and start skating and dropping in on ramps.

i don't want to diagnose myself with "depression" because that would just be a lie but i have just been a really sad person for the past like 4 months. i used to have a boyfriend named jaylen but he broke up with me and then my parents just started arguing all of a sudden and it's a nightly occurrence. i haven't been smoking so so long i used to do it once every 3 months but now it's like 3 times a week. anyways like i was saying i do get suicidal thoughts but when i get those thoughts i just remind myself of that feeling of being high and just not a care in the world.

my thoughts where soon interrupted when i heard footsteps. fuck fuck what do i do.

there's only little light so i can barely see i just see a shadow and get scared. i pulled out my pepper spray ready to spray.
?: woah woah it's just me i'm not gonna touch you.
maddy: who's there?
?: umm vinnie? hacker?
maddy: i don't know who that is.
?: maddy we literally have like 4 classes together.

i tried to think and remember vinnie vinnie vinnie. OH I REMEMBER.

maddy: oh vinnie i remember now.
vinnie: yeah what are you doing here so late it's literally 1 AM.
maddy: oh um i just hmmm couldn't sleep.

i walked over to the bench and vinnie followed me.

vinnie: hey buddy you look a little high.
maddy: i am "buddy"
vinnie: i was just about to spark up to

(i don't know if vinnie smoked but it's just something about boys that skate and smoke that makes me fall in love so just pretend he does haha)

he pulled out a blunt.

maddy: vinnie hacker smokes?
vinnie: yes just don't tell.
maddy: i thought you play baseball so they drug test you and shit.
vinnie: yeah they do that's why you always have fake pee on you duh common sense.
maddy: that's actually pretty smart damn i don't have to worry about that because i don't play sports but smart.
vinnie: you want some?
maddy: naw i'm already high enough.

he lights the blunt and i get a better look at his face. i don't usually really bother to look at him during class but now that i'm up close and personal he is so damn fine sheesh. maybe i'm just trippin and i'm high.

vinnie: take a pic it'll last longer.
maddy: oh shut the fuck up asshole.
i shoved at him sorta like a play fighting.
vinnie: okay so are you gonna tell me the real reason why your here because the whole "i can't sleep" is bull.
maddy: i don't know just got a lot on my mind and skating just helps ya know.
vinnie: i feel you that's kinda why i come here.

after talking for about 10 minutes his blunt goes out and we both start skating. i pull out my airpods and give him a airpod  welcoming him to my music.
i played my frank playlist just because his vocals will make me nut in a heartbeat.

vinnie: maddy holyfuck you like frank to.
maddy: fuck yes is that even a question.
i usually can control myself when i'm high but just being here with vinnie was so fun that i just let loose and let my body control me.
i got off my board and started singing the song that was playing (ivy)
vinnie soon joins some as we both are yelling the lyrics dancing.
authors note
haha this was my first chapter i hope y'all like it because it was pretty fun to write if y'all have any suggestions on what you want to happen next leave them in the comments.
word count: 850

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2020 ⏰

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my skater boyfriend/ vinnie hacker Where stories live. Discover now