Chapter 5

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All you can hear in the car was the typing of a computer. Capricorn and Libra were the only ones in the car, waiting for everyone to find an Airbnb.

Libra sighs clearly bored, she doesn't know why she had to be in the car, but there she was. "Capri~ Can you please at least tell me what the people are like?" Libra looks at Capricorn desperately.

Capricorn sighed, but nodded. "Yeah sure, I'll start from the top I guess." Capricorn clears her throat and explains to Libra who the people are and how handy each parent would be.

As soon as Capricorn finished explaining to Libra who they are, she frowned.

"What really seems the most interesting about the parents is that they're apart of this some sort of ....cult? I don't know much about it, but it seems like it has to do with a ... game?"

Libra looked at Capricorn not only a little shocked but confused as well. " A game? What do you mean a game?"

Capricorn shakes her head. "I... have no idea. I'll try to look more into it..."

Libra nods her head slowly and speaks up one more time. " what's the cult called?"

Capricorn looks at Libra with slight concern, shifting in her seat.


Cancer has a small tear going down his cheek, dramatically wiping it away.

"Cancer- Stop being so dramatic it was only 20 bucks for all 6 of us." Sagittarius said in a way to tease one of her best friends.

Cancer pouted, "Only 20?, that's like my whole life savings!" Everyone around the short brunette boy confused. That's when Scorpio decided to speak up, "Whole life savings? Doesn't your dad make like millions of dollars a year?"

Cancer looked around and chuckled nervously, "Ahah, you're right.... I guess I was being a little bit too dramatic..." The only response his friends made was a nod in agreement.

The group was silent walking out of the market place, gaining stares from other people. It wasn't a lie, they all are attractive people and when a group of a attractive people are together it'll gain come stares.

Some girls tried going to the boys only to be turned down. While guys only stared at the girls from afar. Though, none of the friends were faze by this, it was normal for them and they accepted it.

The silence was broken when all of them got a message at the same time. They all looked at each other with confusion, and looked at their phones.

"What the... why am I suddenly touring the new students?" Leo called out in confusion.

"Wait- me too! Why though? Doesn't the student council tour the kids?" Gemini asked looking at Virgo.

Virgo nods in response, "yeah, it's usually student council only, unless someone volunteers. I'm one hundred percent sure that none of you guys did though." Virgo rereads her email looking even more confused. "According to my email, it just says that the people have been changed to you guys and that they're excited to see us in three days. It seems like nothing out of the usual, but it's unusual Mrs.Opal didn't tell us this before hand..."

Sagittarius frowns her eyebrows and pouts a little, "man, I don't want to tour the new kids! What if they're all weird or something? Like-"

Beige Sagittarius can go on her rant of how much she didn't want to tour the new kids, Scorpio smacked Sagittarius's arm. "No need to be rude, they could be nice people." Scorpio scolded Sagittarius as if she was six.

Sagittarius chuckles rubbing the back of her head, "Sorry, sorry."

"I think, we should start heading home. It's getting late." Cancer says, kinda confused still with him being a tour guide.

Sagittarius gasped, not paying attention to Cancer and said in a very cheery voice, "Ooooo, you know what we should do? We should have a sleep over together the day before school!"

Leo smiles wide and nods, "Sounds good to me! Let's do it at my house." Everyone agreed to Leo's comment. His house was the biggest out of all of theirs and the chillest parents, making it easy for them to mess around.

"G-Guys... it's literally eleven at night, we should head home before our parents get concerned.." Cancer's voice waved with worry.

Everyone looked at Cancer with softer eyes and nodded, agreeing to his statement, heading to their respective houses.

Sagittarius gave everyone one last wide smile and wave,

"Later Guys! See y'all tomorrow!"


Yo! I actually updated in pretty good time. Okay it isn't as good as some people's, but still at least it wasn't a year.

Im curious, what's your guys zodiac sign?

Anyways, while writing this chapter something very important happened and that is the Black Lives Matter movement.

I would like to say that I completely stand with the movement and support them throughout this movement.

Please make sure to sign petitions, go to protests ( if comfortable enough) and spread out information.

Just because it isn't talked about much now, doesn't mean it's over or nothing is going back to normal.

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