"This is Jonathan Speaking"

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Nobody's POV

The party ran upstairs to view of Mike with bruises all over his arms and beaten up Will. "Holy shit.." Lucas whispered under his breath. "Bring him to the basement! I'm calling Jonathan." Nancy yelled while picking up the phone dialing Jonathan's office.

Mike glared at the party, especially Lucas. Mike pushed past everyone and went down to the basement not saying anything. Mike reached the downstairs of and laid Will on the couch and getting the first aid kit from the bathroom.

Mike moving the calendar, crouching down and started helping Will. The party walked down the stairs, "What the hell happened?!" Lucas yelled. Mike ignored him and finished up helping Will. "You okay now?" The ravenet asked the brownet.

Will nodded and sat up groaning slightly, Mike sat up on to the couch and wrapped his arm around the small boy. "For the second time, What the hell happened to Will?!" Lucas yelled walking toward Mike and Will while the rest of the party stood there in shock. Mike pulled Will closer to him while glared at Lucas giving Lucas the heads up not to move any closer to them.

"Will got beaten up at Starcourt but I was there to protect him again. Unlike you guys." The tall boy said. "It wasn't our fault we forgot it was his birthday!" Dustin said walking up behind Lucas. Will looked down and sighed before feeling the gripped around him get tighter and then he felt Mike let go of him. Mike had gotten very mad and sitting up from the couch he yelled "Yeah it is kinda your fault for forgetting one of your bestfriends birthday!"


"Hello! This is Jonathan Speaking from Hawkins Post! How may I help you on this fine day?" Jonathan said in a preppy voice.

"Jonathan! You need to get my house. This is argent."

"But I'm at work Nancy, I have to help my mom-"

"Just shut up! It's about Will. He and my brother came home with bruises and scratches and I think he got beat up.."

"I'll be there in 5."



Omg im so sorry for being so inactive! Ive been working with school and I want to talk to my friends :)

Thank you for 200 reads!! Love you guys!

A Balloon Flying in the Wind     ♫ Byler ♫Where stories live. Discover now