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•|•Hey!!! So I just want to make a few rules here before you start having fun and making your character! Just please at least skim through the rules because I personally feel they're important to this book. •|•

Thank you

•Number one•
So, do NOT join others role plays, as you know it's very annoying when someone does this to you. If someone randomly joins without telling us or getting permission to chat then they will be removed from the role play!
Thank you~ ^•^

•Number two•
PLEASE no one liners. BE DESCRIPTIVE! Along with no text talk, and I need at least mostly accurate punctuation so I can tell what you're saying. I won't respond if it's short unless you give me a good reason or if you're trying your best, if you're confused as to why I won't respond even if you tag me a lot, then that's why :)

Ex.1 : Jennifer looked around. (🚫)

Ex.2 : The short looking woman glanced around nervously in the busy train station, the smell of oil and gasoline practically clogging her nostrils, which in turn made her nose burn with every passing second that she waited. It was apparent how anxious she was, her eyes darting across the sea of people in search of someone and she fiddled with the string on her bracelet; biting her lip and inner cheek. "—nifer!" A small voice called in the distance. "Jennifer!!" Once again. This went on for a moment before the petite woman saw someone sprinting towards her with all of their might, getting shoved along the way by some passerby's, before finally meeting her destination. The small arms quickly wrapped around her toned waist, her breath swiftly hitching as tears started to flood out of her eyes, instinctively wrapping her arms around the taller woman before her. ".... You're home... Everything's fine now, you're safe..."

I personally prefer paragraphs like this haha, tho if you're new to role playing we can take it slow but please at least try to be descriptive! I won't comment on grammar especially if English isn't your first language, unless something doesn't really make sense to me ^~^

•Number three•
No CURSING unless it is censored, I know it's a small book but I just want to keep it alive for awhile! I also swear a lot so I get the struggle my friend!
Ex. F***
Or you could do this "&$!#%"
Be creative~ @^~^@

•Number four•
Please, make as many characters as you want and control them as you please! But don't GOD MODE

•Number five•
Along that line of events, don't dominate my characters and take over the entire role play, I want to enjoy this as much as you! That's a main factor of me making this little role play book!

•Number six•
Please HAVE FUN OMG!!!!
I just want this to be a happy place, don't be rude to others and go commenting on others character forms like "oh this sucks" or "hey, do better idiot" cuz tbh that's rude and untrue soooo...

•Number seven•
Please put your form in one comment, and leave your passwords in there also, put it in the form randomly so people don't go copying the password! Thank you 😊

•Number eight•
The password is to give me an example of your role play style! Do you remember my example from earlier? I want you to continue on with it like you would in any normal role play, as the lady who just came through the crowd to get to the shorter lady!

•Number nine•
This isn't really a rule, just a suggestion, but I personally enjoy different types of sekes and semes. I actually really enjoy something like chubby sekes or semes, or really muscular sekes and very thin and cutesy looking semes ^^ so it's sort of annoying to see the same type of seke and semes and don't make any role play interesting. Of course it's your characters, but just know every character takes me a couple days to a week to make since I'm constantly thinking about how they would react to everything and what their little clicks are to make each and every character unique!

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