Just a Mannequin

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Just so you guys will know, I'm new so please, no harsh comments please?

I just hope you enjoy the story! :)


You might think that I'm crazy, but I'm in love with a mannequin.

Yes, a mannequin -- a life-sized doll used by artists, tailors, dressmakers to fit clothing. A plastic dummy that you see every time you pass a clothing store or go around malls and shop in boutiques. A statue waiting for the person-in-charge to make it move or change it's position.

But what I think is that a mannequin is a being with it's life sucked out of the body, leaving it's form on earth while it stares at the people eyeing on it - looking at the clothes it's wearing without admiring the form and shape of the lifeless doll.

Jealous- I think that's what the mannequin feels alright. Jealous because it stays in one position unless moved by another person. Jealous because all it sees everyday are people moving effortlessly, knowing that that kind of freedom can't be theirs. Jealous knowing that they can't touch or feel the person they've been dying to hold.

Well, what I know is that these mannequins have been dying to get out of the life they've been cursed with.


I followed my usual routine. I passed by the boutique and paused as I saw the mannequin again. 

'There he is.'   I thought as I stood, admiring his beauty.

I see his eyes. His eyes like puddles of water, so clear I could see into his soul. The deep blue reminded me of a daytime sky. His dark hair was as creamy as a chocolate bar, rich to full intent. His lips, unkissed. I found myself in awe of his hard, lean frame as he stood. I tried to tear my gaze from the pale outline of his magnificent form, but it was no use.

He was handsome, that was obvious, with his thin yet muscular build and he was standing there like a god. Amazed by how he was perfectly built and formed. How one creation, just stood there, lifeless. 'What a waste' I thought.

Maybe if he was alive, all the girls would completely be speechless by his magnificent structure and beauty.

I sigh and continued walking, with the thought of that doll on my mind.

'Would he ever notice?'  I think about it, then this sudden burst of reality hits me. 'How can he notice you? He is lifeless, you can see him but he can't see you.' Then there's this pain in my chest, knowing that I was right.


As the day ends, my thoughts of him never left. I see him everyday as I go to the coffee shop where I work. Going home, I pass by the boutique, in which it was my routine. I pause again and he's there, just standing, motionless. The boutique was closing, and as always, I talk to the lady inside who is in charge.

"Hey Miss Susan! How was your day?"

"It's fine dear, the usual. How about you? Did anything 'extraordinary' happen in the coffee shop today?"

I giggled and said "No, nothing 'extraordinary' happened. Well, actually, there was this one man who placed salt in his coffee instead of sugar. Unusual, huh? He told me he wanted salty coffee. Why do you think he did that? Was he like, crazy or something?"

"Actually, I heard of a similar story of that. It's a love story called 'The Salty Coffee' and it's actually sweet. You should read it on the web, it's actually a funny one."

Just a MannequinOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant