Into the Unknown

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"Are we lost?" Pippin nervously ask,
"No, I don't think we re. Shhh, Gandalf is thinking" Merry says,
"Mary!" Pippin exclaimed
"I'm hungry"

(Y/n) opened her eyes and look around their surroundings. She felt something's moving towards them, and there she saw a little skinny and scary creature crawling towards them,
"There is something down there" she informed the others.
"It's Gollum" Gandalf replied quietly
"Gollum!" Frodo shouts nervously
"He's been following us for three days" Gandalf says as I bring back my gaze on Gollum whos looking at us with his big eyes.
"He escaped the dungeons of Barad-dur?" Frodo ask sounding disbelief.
"Escape... or was set loose. And now that ring had drawn him here, he will never get rid of his need for it. He hates and loves the ring, as he hates and love himself. Smeagol's life is a sad story" Gandalf tell, "Yes, Smeagol he was once called, before the ring came to him, before it drove him mad"

(Y/n)'s eyes is full of pity for the creature Gollum. "Greed will always lead to downfall" she whispered and looked at Gandalf with hopes on her eyes, "Maybe I can heal him"
She walk towards Gollum as he hides in fear behind a rumble, the fellowship watch her.
"Hey! Be careful there lass!" Gimli shouts.
"It's okay, I'm not gonna hurt you" she whispers softly and reach for him.
Gollum peek over and looked at her and saw that she means no harm. Slowly he made his way out of his hiding place.
"There, there, what are you doing here?" She ask.
"Me needs precious, precious needs me. Precious call for Gollum" he replied, and with that, she knows he's beyond saving.
"But this is a dangerous place, you must go and forget about precious" she softly replied.
Gollum started at her with confusion and fuzy as those words came out of her mouth, "Me needs precious! precious needs me!" he shouts as he became more violent looking.
(Y/n) just stares at her with pity and slowly whispers, "I'm sorry" as she put her Sling Ring, given to her by her uncle Strange, remembering the place where she first landed in Middle Earth, soon a portal was made underneath Gollum's feet as he falls in it, landing on a grassy field.
(Y/n) closes tha portal and sigh.
"It's okay (Y/n), what you did, is for Gollum's safety" she looked at Gandalf and the rest of the fellowship, they all have this proud smile on their face.
She smiled back and walk towards the fellowship. Gandalf once again looked at the tunnels for a second and explained, "Ah! That's it, that way!" as he pointed at the right tunnel.

"He remembered!" Mary says in relief.
"No, but the air doesn't smell so foul down there. If in doubt, Meriadoc, always follow your nose" Gandalf says and laugh slightly.
They made their way inside it and more darkness is what they get.
"Let me risk a little more light" Gandalf murmured and taps his staff.
And on that second where a bright light flashes, they saw great pillars on a great hall, but the light didn't catch beyond its limit.

Ahead of them is a smashed wooden door and Gimli rush inside the chamber,
"Gimli wait!" (Y/n) shouts and the whole fellowship follows him.
Their now in a room with a little sunlight peeking above, but most importantly, there are bones in this room and well inside.

Gimli falls on his kness and sobs,
"Here lies Balin, son of Fudin, Lord of Moria. He is dead then, it's as I had feared" Gandalf reads the markings on a stone.
(Y/n) sigh, she's not surprised, after those bones they saw before, she doubt that there's anyone left alive. She decided to stand outside, because she doesn't want to see Gimli mourns for his cousin.
As she get closer, she felt someone grab her arm, "Where are you going?" Legolas ask in a serious voice,
"Out?" She replied, trying to hide her smirk.

'The prince is worried again, maybe he likes me' she thought and couldn't help hidding her smirk anymore.

"No. It's dangerous" Legolas says as his grip tightens.
"It's okay. I can handle myself" she replied leaning closer to Legolas and yanked my arm out of his and go outside the room, closing the door behind her.
Now she see nothing but darkness.
She sat on the floor, closing her eyes and let her astral form came out of her body.
"Wow, it's been a while since I've been in my astral form" she talk to her self and floats around, enjoying herself.
She felt so free and happy, until there's a loud noise came from the room and then she heard Gandalf's angry voice.
She decided to go back to her body, only to find out that the flew far from her position, "Shit"
As her astral form continues to pull her from her body with a very high speed, as a loud sound of 'boom' heard from underneath.
"Shit shit shit" she cursed and she was taken back a little when she came back to her body again. Standing up quickly and going back inside the room with the fellowship frozen in fear though they're ready to fight.
"What is that?" she ask in panick as the drum-like sound continues to beat.
"Mr. Frodo?" Sam ask nervously as the fellowship looked where is he starting.

Frodo wield out his sword that's now glowing with a bright blue color.
"Orcs!" Legolas exclaimed and pull (Y/n) beside him.

"Get back! Stay close to Gandald!" Aragorn told the Hobbits.
Him ang Boromir slam ang wedge the door, but (Y/n) caught something.
"They got a big one!" she exclaimed trying to warn the others, and they looked at each other, wide eyes,
"They have a cave troll!" Boromir shouts.

"Let them come! There is one dwarf yet in Moria who still draws breath!" Gimli shouts in anger, holding two axe in his hands, ready to battle.

"I can just blast them away" I suggest, lighting up my hands,
"No" Legolas quickly say, narrowing his eyes on me. I looked at him confused, "What? Why?"
"I-um, I-We can't afford you passing out again" he replied
"Okay?.." she just say and bring her attention back to the door.

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