Tamaki X Reader

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You arrive at school, Your mind, running with thoughts of that boy. Why am I thinking of him?! You decided to ignore the thoughts and focus on school, "See you later!" ____ said (your friend). You waved good bye to her and walked the opposite way, down the hall you went.

      Class was over and you head to lunch alone. The thoughts of the boy drifted away and turned into thoughts of food, Today's sweet and sour chicken!!! You quickly grab a tray and wait in line for your food, loud talking and lots of people were laughing. You keep moving more, and more towards the lunch lady as people got their food and left. "Thank you!" You thank the lunch lady and look for a place to eat, since your friend didn't have the same lunch period as you, you had to sit alone. You eat your food in silence. Someone sat across from you, you look up to see it was that boy! "Hello?"  You ask him, "H-hi" he trembled a bit. "What's your name?" You question him. "Tamaki," he replied. That's a nice name, you thought. "Well I'm _____" You realized he had no food, "Aren't you hungry?" You ask and offer some of your food but he politely declined. "My quirk is manifest, " he says. "So I brought my own lunch" he picks up something from next to his hip and shows you the inside. "Octopus?" You ask, he nods his head. "What's your quirk?" He asked,  " Oh my quirk is _____" " It let's me _____" I smiled at him. " Hey, do, do you wanna be friends?" He asked shyly. "Sure, that would be great!" You blushed a little.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2020 ⏰

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