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Mariah hugged her knees close to her chest as she waited in the corner of her cell for someone to enter her room and explain what was going on. The silence was the worst... it was just her and her thoughts... and they we driving her mad with concern for her little brother. Where was he? Was he in a cell just like hers? Had they discovered his abilities and put him in some lab or something? She'd seen enough science fiction movies to know how this works, and she didn't want that to happen to Ethan.


Mariah jumped slightly as she heard the door's handle move outside, and she looked up to see a man on the other side of the window. He opened the door and stepped inside, allowing the guard to close the door behind him as he stood there with a slightly disturbing smile on his face. The door clicked as it closed then there was another short silence before the man finally spoke. "Hello, Mariah."

"How do you know my name?" Mariah asked, narrowing her eyes slightly, "who are you?"

"You may call me Agent 2, if you like. Though most choose to give me titles of their own," the man replied as he took a couple steps closer.

"What have you done with my brother?" She asked angrily as she stood up to not seem so feeble to the gruff agent.

"Your brother is just fine, he's in the next room," Agent 2 said, maintaining his calm tone.

"What do you want from us?" Mariah asked.

"I simply want to run a medical exam on you and your brother to find out whether either one of you have... a disease," Agent 2 said.

Mariah scoffed, "Yea right. I'm a cop you know. I can tell when people are lying or trying to cover something up. What do you really want to test us for?" she said as she crossed her arms over her chest.

Agent 2 said nothing at first. Then he he turned and walked back over to the door as he said, "Just be assured, that neither you nor your brother will be harmed as long as you cooperate." Then he knocked twice on the door, and turned to face Mariah again as the guard outside opened the door. Agent 2 looked at her for a moment before adding, "You look just like your mother."

Mariah's eyes widened when he said that. "How do you know my mom?!" she nearly shouted at him as she began storming across the floor. But the agent merely smiled and stepped out of the room closing the door behind him just as Mariah reached the door. She banged her fist on the now closed door and looked at Agent 2 through the window of thick glass as she yelled, "Our parents didn't just disappear did they? Did they?! What did you do to them?!" But the agent just smiled again as he walked away and out of Mariah's sight.

Ethan jerked awake as a loud clank filled the small, white, room

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Ethan jerked awake as a loud clank filled the small, white, room. He sat up as the door opened and a tall man dressed in black entered, closing the door behind him. Ethan remained seated on his simple bed/bench thing as he looked the man in the eyes and said in a serious tone, "Where am I?"

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