Chapter 1

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(A/N): Hey everyone! This is my first story, so no hate, please. Idk what to classify this as, so I put it as an adventure. It's not so much a fanfic, because I made up some characters, but others are created by Rick Riordan, so all right reserve. If you're a pjo fan, you know which characters he created. If you own any of this art, just say so in the comments and I will give credit! I will try and update every day/every other day. I'm a kid like most of you, so I do have school still. ALSO, there will be burning maze spoilers, bc this is set the same time trial of apollo is happening, beware of the spoilers! Anyway, thanks for reading this, I hope everyone will enjoy this story I made, I thought it would be a cool idea, and very surprising when you figure out her godly parent! (if you didn't figure it out because of my hints, if you did, NO SPOILERS IN THE COMMENTS PLEASE, let the others figure it out!) again, thanks for reading, hope you enjoy!!! 

Luna POV: 

I sat in the car thinking If only they could be my real parents. Sure my foster parents were nice, they weren't mean or anything, it just didn't feel like home when I was with them. But I can't really say that I never knew what home was like. For as long as I could remember I lived with my foster parents. They told me that my parents went missing when I was four, of course, I couldn't remember back then, so I had no choice but to believe them.

"Were here, Luna!" Said my foster mom, Karen. That brought me out of my trance. We were going camping! That was my absolute favorite thing to do! The outdoors always felt like home to me, so I guess I can say what home feels like, it feels like nature. I opened the car door, I wondered if I ever went camping with my real parents when I was younger. "You okay, honey?" My foster mom asked. I realized that I'd been making a sour face.

"Oh, uh yeah." I wasn't acting very enthusiastic. She didn't look totally fooled but she carried on with grabbing the camping supplies out of the car.

"Brian honey, can you get the sleeping bags, and grab the tent?" She asked my foster dad.

"Sure." He said. I was about to get out of the car when my foster mom stopped me,

"Hey, wake up Joey, okay?"

"Oh, yeah." I had totally forgotten that my friend, Joey, had come camping with us. He fell asleep in the car, and I kind of forgot about him for the rest of the ride. I climbed back into the car towards Joey. "Hey, Joey, get up," I said shaking him awake.

"Are we there yet?" He asked sleepily.

"Yeah," I said. "Get up." He nodded and unbuckled his seat belt before hopping out of the car. As he jumped out, his foot hit the ground and bent at an unnatural angle which should have hurt a lot, but he didn't even wince. "You okay?" I asked, "That looked like it hurt," I said. He looked confused, then looked down at his foot, and his expression changed.

"Oh! Oh yeah, I'm alright!" He sounded kind of nervous.

"Uh, okay," I said as I walked over to help my foster dad with the tent and sleeping bags. Once we grabbed everything from the car, my foster mom asked me to set up our campsite, and it was done in three minutes. Joey seemed a little shocked, but it was always something I could do. My foster dad took me out to hunt for dinner, he always insisted we do that. He says that it was what my parents would have wanted, but I don't know what that means. Joey stayed back with my foster mom since he's a vegetarian. We promised him that we would find some sort of vegetable to bring that back for him. After we had a good amount of meat and some edible plants we started heading back to the campsite. As we were walking I noticed a few berry bushes off in the distance which looked pretty good, so I started walking towards them with Brian at my heels. It was getting dark so we had to be careful of where we stepped and as we were walking towards it we heard something in the distance, my foster dad stopped dead in his tracks. "What's wrong?" I asked. "It's probably just a deer or something," I said.

"No, it sounds, I don't know, different." I didn't know what he meant, but then the noise got louder, and all of a sudden I could see a figure in the distance coming straight for us. My foster dad grabbed my arm and started pulling me back towards the campsite. "We have to go," I didn't see any problem it was probably just another person out hunting, but as it got closer I could start to make out some of its details. Whoever it was was very muscular, and is that, horns? It almost looked like the person had the head of a bull. I shook my head obviously seeing things. My foster dad yanked my arm harder, causing me to drop what we had just hunted.

"Hey why did you-" He pulled my arm again "Come on, Luna!". The weird bull-man had started charging. Since I had nothing else to do I followed him. We ran as fast as we could until we reached the campsite.

(A/N): Sorry this chapter is so short! They will be a little longer than this in the future, so work with me! Anyway, I will be posting again tomorrow! I already have written the first five chapters of this story, so I will be posting every day, and when I have to write new ones, it might be every other day, just letting you guys no! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed!

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2020 ⏰

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