-------Chapter One-------

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The streets around him had never been this interesting. And it is a street he passes through frequently, almost every day. But today, everything seems to have been added a special exciting affect.

The faces on the street all look very amused and cheerful, people talk in hushed animated chatters full of smiles as they walk down. But not only the people, even the night seem different, in a good way. Promising.

The city explodes with artificial lights everywhere, the high and low street lights shun blindingly into people's faces. The moon too, settled itself in the far West, radiating its own gift proudly. Even the stars have something to say on this night, they scatter above him in twists and patterns only intelligent minds decipher.

Zayden Black kept walking, admiring the city. There is a compelling feeling in the air that tell him he needs to go somewhere, needs to go away, needs to go to something.

So he kept walking.

The day had been exceptionally tiring for him, so its puzzles him how he got the vigour to keep going, keep walking, even when the familiar scenery around him changed.

Tall trees grow close to each other along the side walk. They grow so long that they lean into each other, creating a protective room for anyone beneath them.

Zayden can see his shadow in patches on the fine interlocked pavement following every step he goes loyally. Houses along that street are not much, only a few cheap apartments that still manage to not look cheap. But Shops flooded the city on every side, all in competition to determine whose lights shin the most. They look very busy on this particular night, people going in and out of them in a matter of seconds.

Polished iron bars separate the buildings from the walk pavement. Here seem to be a world of its own. Zayden notices more things this night than he had ever on any night in Sydney, and everything is worth staying to watch. Once or twice, he had passed very talented buskers singing melodically into the night, this is what is called magic. He hangs on for a few seconds to enjoy the almost free performance before he toss a coin in their half-filled hats or guitar on the ground and move on.

No one seem to be noticing him, everybody goes by either with an occupying company, on their phone, talking to pets or even some he actually think are either sleep walking or hallucinating.

A small crowd had formed not far from where he stood and the people all look amused. He leaned in a safe corner, away from the crowd to observe what is interesting the people. A tall lanky French man stood in the middle, wriggling his slim fingers comically. He is clearly enjoying his audience. It looks like a magic trick, but Zayden had joined just in time to see the finishing touch. The little crowd explode in an applause with excited murmurs and amused gaped mouths.

The crowd disappeared as quickly as it had formed and the magician, in a funny top hat began to assemble his things ready to leave. Zayden stood just for another second examining the man. He gathered his stuff and as soon as he had stepped away from where he had performed his show, something else stole Zayden's mind. Or rather, someone.

The chilly breeze congealed in front of him and out of it revealed a lady of the most enticing appearance.

Her skin glisten from the neon light coming for the nearest shop opposite her. Her eyes, visible in the night light, gave up pupils flecked with gold like shiny pebbles. She wore a maroon mini dress just above the knees and high matching wellington boots. Her long wavy hair fly below her shoulders.

All is a scene worth watching, but what caught Zayden's mind is different, something he just can't explain in words. Her eyes are glued to a book she has between her fingers and she is dancing away, more like twirling.

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