Chapter Three

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As you spent the next couple hours attending classes and having to be introduced as the new student every time, it became clear to you that you shared no classes with Jin, two with that Yoongi guy (chemistry and mathematics), and one (history) with the mysterious guy from the music room—whose name you discovered to be Kim Taehyung. Soon enough it was already lunchtime, and according to your schedule you had PE right after. You weren't fit at all, however, and you had to blackmail the PE teacher at your old school just so she didn't make you participate.

You didn't know how you were going to survive it this time, especially when you had no friends and no one to scheme with. Everyone seemed utterly adamant on staying away from you and you had no doubt that it was because of Jin. You just didn't understand why and as much as you hated to admit it, it made you curious about him. Who was he? Why were people so scared of him? And it wasn't only him, you noticed. The teacher didn't dare scold Yoongi for sleeping during class, or Taehyung for having his earphones in.

The teachers just.. evaded them, pretended they weren't there.

You walked into the cafeteria.. or what looked like a much fancier, much larger version of a cafeteria. It was a freaking dining hall with squeaky clean floors, polished tables, and shimmering utensils. Not even a speck of dirt or a stain of food could be spotted. The smell of lemon, bleach, and cleaning products hung in the air. Even the cafeteria workers serving the food wore plastic coverings all over their bodies, face, hands, and feet. The place looked like a health official's wet dream. You were all for hygiene, but wasn't this too much?

Feeling like you were in a hospital, you made your way over to the line. Some students gave you the side-eye and you tried to ignore it, but it was near impossible. You were usually so much more sociable than this, able to befriend just about anyone at any time, but now you started to know just what it was like to be an outcast. You instantly felt a void in your heart, aching for your old friends and old school where chaos and food fights and smoking behind the dumpsters happened. Everything here was so prim and proper.

You wanted that excitement again. That adventure, action.

You bit your lip and reached in your pocket to get your earphones—only to find them gone. Now alerted, you looked in every direction you could think of trying to spot them. Had you dropped them somewhere? Had someone stolen them while you weren't looking? Damn this stupid uniform. The pockets were shallow and pretty much useless, it was stupid of you to stuff anything in there.

Soon a flash of pink caught your eye. There, on the floor just a few feet behind you, were your precious hello-kitty earphones.

Thank god. You thought as you scurried over and crouched down to pick them up..

Your hand didn't even connect with the tangled wire, when the foot came down and crushed it completely. The sound of them breaking apart made you wince, as you stared frozen at the black shoe in front of you. You slowly looked up, seeing two utterly stunning men standing over you. You were almost mesmerized by their looks; the shorter one had lips so plump and full you wanted to grab him and kiss him right then and there, his dark hair parted softly in the side to show his forehead, and his eyes were shaped like crescent moons. His uniform was partly undone, making him nearly irresistible.

The other one had an aura you could only describe as bright. His clothes weren't even a proper uniform, as he wore a jacket and a loosened tie rested over his pristine white shirt. His pants fit his long legs like they were meant for him, cut short just above his ankles, and instead of formal shoes he had sneakers on. There were smile lines at the corners of his eyes, his cheekbones high and his jawline sharp, and his eyes were a light shade of brown. He was beautiful in every aspect, not a flaw in sight, like a painting. You felt flustered even looking at him.

The shorter one cursed quietly and gave you a dirty look, taking his foot away. And just like that the two walked off without so much an apology.

Your shock wore off pretty quickly. With a scowl you snatched the crumpled earphones from the floor and stood up, fuming, and called out softly at first: "hey."

They didn't stop. Even skipped the whole line, making their way straight to the counter.

"Hey." You said more firmly this time, following after them. You didn't want to be loud in front of all of these people. The two still weren't aware you were addressing them, however, engrossed in their conversation.. or they were straight-up ignoring you.

"I said hey!" You finally snapped, catching the attention of smile-eyes. He stopped talking and glanced at you with a raised brow, then nudged his friend, who also turned around and gave you a once-over. The sharpness of his eyes nearly made you take a step back, but you held your ground.

"Y- You broke my earphones and you just walked away." You cursed yourself for stuttering. They watched you incredulously like you were an exotic animal. Courageously you continued, "I won't make a big deal out of this so I'll get to the point. Compensate, or apologize."

Silence. Then it broke.

Smile-eyes was the first one to burst into laughter. His friend followed soon after, trying to stifle his but failing.

"Wh-What's so funny?" You were nothing short of confused, but anger and embarrassment thundered through you as you realized they were laughing at you.

"I swear Jimin, the techniques girls use these days are getting weirder and weirder. I can never understand them.. is this what that is? Playing all feisty and hard to get?" Smile-eyes snickered, looking you up and down. "Not bad, not bad.."

".. What're you talking about?"

With a smirk on his face, the shorter guy walked closer to you until he stood right behind you, and smile-eyes approached you. You were trapped between them.

"Come on now, no need to beat around the bush. Which one of us were hoping to get? Hm?" He spoke from behind you, bringing his head down a little to reach your ear. "Was it Hoseok, me? Or did you want.." His voice dropped to a dark whisper. ".. both of us, at the same time?"

Hoseok clicked his tongue, softly tracing your chin and sending a shiver down your spine. "Greedy, greedy girl.." His voice was but a soft, raspy scold, as his fingers suddenly wrapped around your chin and gripped it tightly.

"We're too dangerous for you, baby. Are you sure you want that?" Jimin murmured.

Your heart pounded furiously against your chest, wanting to leap out, and every inch of you seemed to be set afire by Hoseok's touch and Jimin's voice against your ear. You weren't kept under their trance for very long because you snapped out of it soon enough, and you slapped Hoseok's hand away.

His eyes widened in surprise. Jimin seemed to pause behind you, evidently caught off guard.

"What's with the boys in this school and all their nauseating touchiness?" You sneered, brushing off your uniform. "I said fucking compensate for my earphones, or apologize for breaking them. I understand we can't watch where we're going 24/7, but why are you misunderstanding? It's not that difficult to comprehend."

"Why would you gain an idea like that from me asking you, to acknowledge that you broke my belonging?" You added, in case they were about to retort that you were being all 'feisty and playing hard to get'. "The people here really seem to be living in their own little worlds. Get a reality check."

All smugness and cockiness were gone. He stared at you, blinking in disbelief, you stared back for a couple moments hoping to see a satisfying reaction but there was nothing. You rolled your eyes and brushed past Hoseok, skipping the line and grabbing a tray from the stack.

There were already people there but no one dared stop you, as you got your meal and walked off to find a table.

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