May 4th,2012 ( Battle of New York)

9 0 0

Chaos everywhere.

Destruction and despair were the only things visible from the hospital's building. Cries of pain and fear echoing through the ER as Remi made her way to the Trauma Bay. They were already overfull with cases but being the only working medical facility in this time of crisis, gave them no choice, but to hope that they can save as many as they can. She was on the verge of a complete breakdown, but she had to keep it in for the sake of humanity. She had triaged dozens of patients and had to declare at least 50 dead in one day. Panic and realization was slowly rising in her chest , indicating a panic attack . She quickly injects a dose of diazepam to calm down her nerves , as there is no time to contemplate her surroundings.

A trail of ambulances stop at the bay, and the doctors scrambled to triage patients and take the most critical immediately to surgery. Remi was taking the vitals of a patient, when suddenly a piece of debris fell from the sky, crushing half of the people out in the Trauma Bay.

As people were being evacuated out of the building, Remi could feel nothing, all she could hear was the shrill beep of someone's ventilator. Her fear had frozen her on the ground and she didn't feel people calling for her, as another piece of debris was about to fall on her . All she felt was a sudden pull and the pain in her elbows as they scraped the ground from her sudden fall. The debris fell a few meters away from where she fell. She looked up to see a Navy SEAL , who were called upon to the city , trying to get her up and follow him. It is then her senses we're back in place and she followed him trembling.

The rescued were taken to an administrative building which was secured by SHIELD agents( as written in their vests) and other officers alike. In the crowd of these people , she felt helpless and alone and all she could think was how her family would feel if she were to die today.

Strange alien like creatures were crawling , flying, fighting and killing people outside . The ones coming near being killed by the agents. It was then she heard her name being shouted, almost desperately.

She knew the sound of that voice, but she hadn't heard it in months . Looking around she finally spotted the source she was looking for. Feeling some tension release from her body, she ran into the arms of her first friend in the city.

" AJ! OH MY GOD!" was all she could say as she trembled in his arms.

" Shh...shh.. it's alright we will get through this" AJ said , almost trying to convince himself as well.

" Do you know what's happening ? Everything was fine in the morning and suddenly this hole in the sky opened and..."

" I know , I was in the stark tower when it happened, some kind of wormhole was opened by the alien who was arrested recently".

Remembering the news reports she saw about a man who was delusional , she assumed , claiming to be a god and trying to rule over the earth, before a group of people, no, superheroes from S.H.I.E.L.D. arrested him, which reminds her...

" Wasn't Tony Stark involved in his arrest?"

"Yes , he was , Infact he is out there , fighting these creatures, along with some others, but before I could know more , we were evacuated from the building citing safety reasons" AJ told her breathlessly.

" Oh my god, this is unreal! This kind of stuff is supposed to happen ONLY IN FUCKING MOVIES! This is insane, I can't believe it."

"......... welcome to Big Apple, I guess"

Remi looked at him with disbelief. How can this man make jokes ,when they can die any moment.

Before she could tell him off, he muttered a quick apology.

Remi was still holding onto his chest, while he had his arms around her waist. Both of them realizing it together, they untangled from each other .

" I am sorry", Said Remi

" Why?"

" I didn't call you or text you for so long , I got so busy trying to get through internship that I forgot to talk to my only friend in the city." She replied

Smiling, AJ said " I didn't call you either, I am sorry as well"

It's insane how much have changed. He had a beard now , which suited him well. She had gained a few pounds as well, but AJ thought she was still beautiful.

Breaking the silence, AJ cleared his throat and asked- " So what's going on ?"

" well other than today , I don't there has been anything remotely interesting in my life" she replied smiling a bit.

Chucking , AJ told her about the girl he had started dating a month back. She was interning in the same department as his , and that's how it began.

Before they can continue anymore, a blast is heard from the first floor of the building , followed by hundreds of creatures surrounding the building from inside. All weapons were pointed at the now crowded group of people . The agents being locked outside and the ones inside killed , the weapons were charged to kill the civilians in the building.

Remi accepted her fate and said her silent goodbyes with AJ as both of them prepared to die , hugging each other.

But before it could happen , the clanking of metal and buzzing of weapons was heard and out of the corner of her eye , Remi saw a patch of blue and red moving to destroy the remaining creatures

Wiping off her tears , she gasped . For what she saw, she could not believe.

It was Captain America. The WW2 Captain America, the one she had a crush on since High School Captain America, in his full glory with costume and everything.

An explosion sounded on the other side of the building and people were being evacuated again in a rush. Taking a last glimpse at the man, who was now helping a waitress out of the building, she was escorted by the same officer who rescued her from the building.

Before she could say something AJ was escorted to another safe zone, she shouted- " I will call you!" to his retreating figure .

Finally at the other safe zone , she caught her breath. Feeling it would be a bit rude , she thanked the officer who saved her life. He told her smiling that it was his job ,and the conversation followed around for a bit .

" I am Lt. Chris Evans, SEAL special forces unit"

" Dr. Remi Patel" she said still smiling at the all too charming gentleman and shaking his hand.

" Do you want to go to the building where your boyfriend was taken, I can see if I can get a permission"

" He is not my boyfriend, but..."

Before she could reply, he continued

"..... or you could stay here and I could tell you all about this attack and my other missions, if you are interested" he said smiling nervously, and scratching the back of his neck.

Biting her lower lip between her teeth, she contemplated her options with a blush.

" I will take the latter" she said , still blushing.

That was the eventful day she made a new friend and maybe something more.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2020 ⏰

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