•|• Sadistic Saint •|•

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(Warning: there might be triggering content in this rp)


Name: ( Eren Kraus )

Age: ( 35 )

( Gay )

Species: ( Human )

Gender: ( Male )

Occupation: ( A CEO of a famous fashion design company )



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( 5'10 )

Nationality: ( German )

•Background info•

Strengths: ( He is very good at acting and manipulation; though is at the same time a terrible liar if you figure out his ticks. He tricks people easily into thinking he's all innocent and kind and gets people to dote on him to end up being very sadistic and cold hearted. He is pretty good at making people feel bad for him on top of that and pretends he's not threatening at all when he's actually the brains behind the operation. On top of that he has a very good sense in business and keeps connections and makes them fairly easily, and won't be intimidated no matter what since he knows he can do a whole lot worse. One of his passions is flower arrangements that he learned when he was younger from his mother. Coffee art is also a nice little pastime for him and he could spend hours doing different designs when he had the time or feels the need to take a break. )

Weaknesses: ( Eren has a bad temper, a really bad temper. He might play it off well but when he gets mad all hell breaks loose and he won't even try to hide his true personality if he's completely snapped after being pushed. While he looks like a safe person in general, he's absolutely terrible at driving a car. He drives over the speed limit constantly, runs red lights, goes drifting on mountains just because he feels like it; in all he's a very reckless person. Eren also can't think quick on his feet and needs everything to fall in order like he had planned it otherwise he doesn't know what to do, if someone doesn't react like he thought they would he ends up confused and wondering where he went wrong. )

Personality: ( He's totally two faced, like he seems perfect to others he's working with and all like a gentleman or a kind business man, but he absolutely despises any of that and hates being kind to people if they don't thank him for it. Eren is the type of man to make people indebted to him and win people over with his 'kind' and 'gentle' heart, but once he gets you indebted because of that behavior he will extort you at every possible means that benefits him. He can be a bit of a crybaby but doesn't throw temper tantrums, more like he can't handle pain that well or if someone is actually mean to him, but at the same time he enjoys it or being teased. One time he let someone borrow a notebook from him in class and then made him be his errand boy for a year, and will be the type of guy to 'accidentally' steal your significant other even if he doesn't swing the other way (the straight way) and then break their hearts just for the heck of it. Despite all of that he only acts that way to humans, he's genuinely kind and loving to all animals, even cockroaches. )

Family: ( his sister, Adalia, 35 ) ( 5'10 ) ( Shes the co-owner of the company )

Backstory: ( He didn't have a traumatic childhood at all, actually it was really plush and didn't really have any hardships in it

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Backstory: ( He didn't have a traumatic childhood at all, actually it was really plush and didn't really have any hardships in it. He took up flower arrangements when he was 7 because his mom seemed to enjoy them and he wanted to impress her. His personality grew worse over the years once his mother died when he was 20 in college, and his sister was the main cause for it cause she would always tease him growing up and it got worse when their mother wasn't there to break them up anymore for fighting. Their mom and dad were both extremely kind people, the evil personalities they both got were a mystery to their parents but they didn't love them any less for it. Eren took up the company just after his mother died and has been working hard on it ever since, and keeps up the act no matter how tiring it gets for him. )

Turn ons/Turn offs: ( He's really into bdsm and the such, secretly he likes being taken control of but he would never admit it. Surprisingly he's never lost his v-card so he is inexperienced, none of his relationships lasted long enough for him to figure anything out and he's never done stuff on his own. )

Birthday: ( January 20th )

Zodiac: ( Aquarius )

Likes: ( He enjoys flower arrangements and even if he's really bad at it he likes driving since it's very thrilling. He loves all animals like stated earlier since they don't really ask anything of him or aren't as greedy as humans. Eren enjoys work and is basically a workaholic with his business, and he loves all the profit he gets everyday and how much money he makes as the CEO. He likes to keep up with the market or even set fashion trends, a nice pastime for him is to see how ridiculous of a trend he could set and how quickly it'll get popular just because he says it looks 'good'. )

Dislikes: ( If anyone even harms an animal slightly he will go berserk. He also hates if people take advantage of someone that is a pushover but at the same time Eren dislikes when someone lets others walk all over them. As much as he doesn't like to admit it the sight of blood or someone bleeding makes him feel squeamish and feel like he will
barf at any second. Though he doesn't focus on it and will ignore it if someone is that seriously injured unless he cares for them. He hated and loves being praised at the same time and being comforted/spoiled, though will never openly admit it. )


Scenario 1: ( Employee ) It was your first day at the company you were assigned at and you saw the CEO's personal secretary just storm out his office without her i.d card, and you just saw her mumbling before stopping in front of you and rubbing the back of her neck angrily while clicking her teeth. "Mr. Kraus wants to speak with you." Was all she said before storming off once again with some boxes in tow in her arms. You walk into his office that was at the far end of the fancy hallway away from everyone and look in through the door, peeping your head through. On your way here you saw the secretaries desk completely empty besides the things that were there before like the computer and the like. "U-uh, Mr. President?" You call out and walk in with a slight knock and see the tall male jolt on the ground while picking up glass, looking back at you and sighing before quickly putting on a smile. "Yes, that's right... I wanted to tell you that you've been promoted to being my secretary. The other one didn't do so well and I thought it'd be good for a change!" He said and then walked forward with the broken glass from the vase that had fallen earlier, a sinister smile dawned on his face as he did so. "I hope you won't refuse?" Eren peered at you and held the glass directly at your face. No... the president was usually so kind and happy, not one to simply stick glass in someone's face... But then again you've never seen him look so sinister but so angelic at the same time. You..?

Scenario 2: ( Make your own! )

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