SCP-SA39: CrossX

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Item Number: SCP-SA39

Object Class: Unknown

Special Containment Procedures: Is to be kept in the containment of a concrete cell of  17ft x 17ft. She is to where a metal mask to cover her eyes at all times. One D-Class personnel may enter the chamber but no more will be in her chamber. One guard holds the key to her mask, Class 8 Blindfold. When she is transported she needs Class 4 Handcuffs to stop her from gouging the eyes out. She is to be staying in Site 19.

If someone touches black blood that drips from her nose is to be terminated as you will fall ill to no cure left. If someone sees any illusions they are to be removed from the chamber and to make sure she has her Class 8 Blindfold. If it is not upon her person she is to be tranquilized.

In procedures of her escaping from her chamber, she is to be found and tranquilized. She is to be taken back to her  Chamber and guards are to be switched. If she is to be transported to another SCP chamber, she is to have Class 8 Blindfold taken off. All guns shall be pointed to her to keep her from escaping. If you see her disappearing, move to block the door till she appears back.

For experiments on SCP-SA39, Class 8 Blindfold will be removed by Class D Personnel so we do not risk the lives of our staff. If SCP-SA39 does not show any hostility she has grown a liking to you and has chosen you to be safe.

Description: Standing at 5ft tall and weighing 110 lbs. She wears a black turtle neck with a hard metal band from the 80's for a shirt over it. She wears a black belt to keep her black pants up. She has no shoes on but bandages. Taking upon a human form as she has dark brown hair though it is short in the back like it is shaved. The front is long though the shaved is colored with a turquoise color. The same color is around her eyes as she has black irises. She has pointed ears though they twitch at sounds higher then the normal sound spectrum.

If eyes are uncovered by Class 8 blindfold she may cause you to experiences illusions she makes you think of. Though when she uses this power her nose will bleed black blood. But if she uses her powers to cover herself or someone up both nostrils will have blood dripping down. If her line of sight is covered she cannot use her powers against other.

Discovery: SCP-SA39 was found wondering the borders of Wyoming and Colorado, United States. Upon discovery it took 20 of our men to get her tranquilized to transport her to the site. Not much other info was given on her discovery as the call came in with a family with 4 children killed, though the children were alive.

December 17, XXXX

Doctor: Lyxon, Mathew

Item Number: SCP-SA39

She shows no sign of  hostility as she has only played chess with me. She learns quickly and loves to make me think she had cheated. She must love seeing me in a heated mess. SCP-SA39 would love to be named CrossX and she's asked for the 100th time this year for her own customized blindfold. She is also slowly learning our language! I have grown to get far with her teachings to where she has started to communicate clearly.

I wanted to get more info on the family she had murdered but only left the children surviving. But all I get is, "What do you mean?" Sitting here taking notes and trying to receive answers are very confusing. We will further more our testing her with different SCPs. She has grown a liking to SCP-053 and SCP-049. For some reason she isn't harmed bu SCP-053 and she has been willing to learn from SCP-049.

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