this is all the chapters so suffer

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This is literally just going through the sander sides storyline (with some extra bits) from virgil (and occasionally Logan's) point of view

Also analogical because why the hell not

Oh also this is finished

: The war of the sidesChapter Text

"...and then the anxiety started kicking in"

Virgil winced slightly at hearing this from the other side of the wall. He had of course cause the anxiety that was clearly troubling Thomas.

He knew he should stop listening, what the 'good' sides did and said was none of his business but he couldn't help listening now that Thomas had for some reason started filming his conversations with the three. Virgil kept his head pressed against the faded marks on his wall.

There had once been a door there. A door with access to the main mind space, deceit removed it years ago though.

Around 14 years into their existence the sides had broken out into a kind of war, not a physical war of course but it was just as bad. Deceit had caused most of it, his jealousy over the other side's influence over Thomas cause him to lash out, to try to take control from them. After a few years deceit had taken Virgil , and a few others, away. He made a different mind space, one where they could control Thomas without the influence of the other sides. He ruled over this other mind space and he removed all contact any of them had with the other three.

Virgil was sure that if he ever found out that Virgil could listen to the other's conversations he would be in big trouble.

So thank god he pulled away from the wall just as deceit walked in.

"Well hello, anxiety" Virgil immediately froze at the sound of his voice.

"Hey" Virgil choked out as deceit wrapped his scaly arms around Virgil waist. Virgil wasn't quite sure how he wound up dating deceit, he just knew that he definitely didn't want to.

The scaly man began whispering into the scared sides ear.

"I have a little job for you, anxiety," though he whispered softly Virgil could sense the venom and threat behind his tone "I need you to pay a little visit to our old friends"

He felt deceit smirk against his neck and Virgil felt sick.

"W-who" he didn't really need to ask

"I think you know who I'm referring to, it's been a while since we've seen Patton, Roman and Logan hasn't it?"

Virgil felt his stomach churn, if deceit wanted him to hurt any of them... Virgil knew he couldn't do it, it had been years since he'd seen them but he appreciated the main sides greatly.

"I've been planning a little infiltration mission for a while now and Thomas has just presented me the opportunity to follow it through with this stupid video series he's doing. All I need you to do, is make an appearance in his next video"

Virgil could do that, though it would kill him to be mean to the three, he could do it.

"Do I have to do anything else to them?"

Virgil winced at how weak he sounded

"Not for now, but if all goes well I'll keep that door there for a while, and I'd like you to continue appearing in his videos for a while and then report back to me any important information."


Deceit drew his constricting arms away from Virgil before turning towards the door.

"Oh and anxiety? If you even try to make friends with those traitors, I'll get rid that door for good"

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