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127 had just returned from their North American tour and were finally having time off. Most of the members used this opportunity to go to the gym, sleep in, go to cafes, or simply stay in the dorms.

"Dude, let's film for JCC." Mark spoke, shaking Johnny's sleeping body.

Rubbing the sleepiness from his eyes, Johnny furrowed his eyebrows as he saw Mark smiling at him. It was obvious the younger was more excited for JCC than Johnny was. It was already the second day since they've been off and the only thing Johnny wanted to do was sleep.

"Fine, let me go get ready." Johnny mumbled as he watched Mark run back to the living room.

After getting ready, he and Mark told their manager they were leaving the dorms. They didn't know where exactly they were going and the manager told them to check in from time to time.

Turning on the camera, Johnny did the introduction as Mark ecstatically waved at the camera. "This guy was so hype to film today when I don't even have anything planned." Johnny chuckled as he ran a hand through his chocolate brown hair.

The two boys walked around the company cluelessly as they continued to talk about the tour and their favorite parts. When they finally stopped, they heard music playing in one of the practice rooms behind them.

"Oh, right now we're in front of one of the practice rooms. And it looks like someone is in there right now." Johnny explained was Mark tried to take a glance at the group.

Since the door had a layer to make it blurry, it was hard to see through. "Let's just go in." Mark suggested, causing Johnny to shake his head.

"We don't even know who's in there." Johnny replied. For all they know, it could be TVXQ or even Super Junior practicing and Johnny definitely didn't want to get in trouble for interrupting.

Before they could even argue, the door to the studio opened as they were greeted by a boy who seemed to be around their age range. The three boys stared at each other for a couple of seconds until the boy closed the door once again.

"That scared me..." Mark chuckled as they continued to stare at the door hoping to see the boy once again, "do you think they heard us?"

As if on cue, the door opened again to see the same boy. He gave Johnny and Mark a bow as he Johnny searches through his mind to find a question to ask the boy.

"Who are you? Wait no, what group are you in? They both sound rude." Johnny rambled as the boy only chuckled.

"I'm M/n part of CRSH, but I'll leave the other details out." M/n smiled as he gave the camera a small wave.

"Were you guys practicing?" Mark asked as Johnny answered with 'obviously' causing M/n to laugh.

Nodding his head, M/n explained their schedule so far and what he was doing outside of the room. The three boys continued to talk until a voice from inside the room called for M/n. He bid goodbye as Johnny and Mark mumbled bye.

They decided to head back to the dorm and tell the rest of the group about the rookie they just met. Johnny placed the camera inside his hoodie pocket as Mark opened the door to see most of the group in the living room.

"Yo, we just met someone from a new group." Mark announced as he sat on the couch next to Yuta.

"What group?" Haechan asked while putting the Dream Groupchat on mute.

Johnny explained the situation and how they met M/n. Their awkward encounter was definitely laughable and when he told them the questions he asked, he was already preparing for the teasing.

While talking, their manager had called and told them about a possible plan. They were going to meet the group that Johnny and Mark were talking about since they were only practicing.

With them now being curious, they all agreed and got ready to leave. Since the manager didn't want to overwhelm the group by bringing all of NCT to them, he and CRSH's manager decided it would be best to introduce each sub-unit one at a time.

Arriving at the practice room, Taeyong quietly opened the door to see six boys sprawled on the floor. The loud music boomed as the choreographer was also taking a break.

"Let's run through it one more time." The choreographer instructed as the group got up from the floor, grabbing their fans.

The choreographer saw 127 enter the room, he just wanted them to be impressed by CRSH.

you're Ken aka the one wearing the half black half striped shirt lol


To say 127 was impressed, would be an understatement. They didn't even know the group and yet, they already wanted to collab with them. When they were done dancing, 127 immediately clapped before introducing themselves.

The choreographer quietly left the scene since he was technically done for the day. Seeing CRSH improve every day was enough to put trust into the group.

Taeyong started the introductions as everyone followed. CRSH would give each member a small bow after they introduced themselves. By the time that everyone was introduced, Hyunjo created a small huddle to try and come up with a slogan.

"We don't have an opening so we'll just introduce ourselves." Hyunjo chuckled as he went first. His thick accent made it a little difficult for the group to understand, causing him to apologize afterwards.

"He said he's Hyunjo and that he's glad to meet you all." M/n spoke up as 127 made the same reaction together.

When Kai introduced himself, Yuta immediately spoke to him in Japanese as they talked happily with one another. The rest of the group introduced themselves as the awkward atmosphere was no longer there.

"We're actually a sub-unit for NCT as well, so I hope we can get along." Eunbin added as 127 then asked if they met the other units.

While everyone was talking to get to know each other better, Johnny noticed Mark talking to Inseon and M/n in English and decided to join the two of them.

"We should all hang out one day, it would be fun." Mark suggested as Inseon nodded his head.

As they continued to talk, Johnny noticed that M/n was starting to disengage himself from the conversation. He wasn't too sure if it was because they were using English slang or not, but Johnny didn't want to see him look sad.

"Hey, M/n wanna get snacks together?"


oof im so sorry if this chapter is messy

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