Everyone finding out

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EJs pov

The next morning I woke up to (Y/N) missing from the bed. Shes probably having breakfast... I pull myself up from bed, quickly get dressed and run down the stairs to bump into

(Y/N) by accident. "(Y/N)! You ok?!!" I exclaim in panic. "Yea Jack I'm ok!" She groggily chews on her apple and I sigh in relife. (A/N I suck at spelling btw!) "Hey Jack! You going out with (Y/N)?!" Masky and then Toby call from the living room where Ben was playing a PS3 game with Jeff. "Um you can say so! Who told you?" I shout and mumble a curse word to Ben and Jeff who were laughing. "Jack... Come here... Slowly..." (Y/N) calls from the front yard to be greeted by......


I love cliffhangers guys! Find out what happens in the next chapter!! EJade10 xxx

I dedicate this story to TicciKira cuz I spent a lot of time writing this and I would just like to say thanks for enjoying the story so much.

Eyeless jack x reader (No longer a one shot)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora