Erekutoro (bnha 2nd gen)

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Full name: Erekutoro Kaminari


Parents: Hanta Sero, Denki Kaminari

Age: 16

Quirk:Can make electrical tape come out of her finger tips (basically denki's quirk but as tape)


Occupation:student at UA

Sexual Orientation:Lesbian

Likes:The color orange

Dislikes: eggs.

Hobbies: Painting and legit being spiderman

Habits: She bites her fingers and shocks her mouth

Strengths:She's good at being a leader

Weakness:If she uses her quirk too much, then she gets severe heasaches and pain in her fingers

Fears:Being Forgotten

Dreams/Goals:To find the perfect girl

Personality:She likes to goof off and is pretty outgoing and sometimes teases others.She also, isn't on the very smart side, but tries her best.

Trivia:She's a badass

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