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from the author.


to my readers, old and new, i just want to tell you guys that i want to be a responsible writer that can spread positive messages through my stories. since this is a story that talks about sensitive topics, please let me know if there is anything that makes you uncomfortable or offended even in the slightest bit or just not portraying something right and i will try my best to improve on that part.

to those who will read 'sanctuary' the second or third time now, some parts have changed drastically but will still be in line with the second book. the break i took from writing made me reflect on what i lack as a writer and i want to take this opportunity to republish an improved version of the book.


published 2017
// edited and revised

disclaimer: some parts are still cliche but this is a fanfic after all so 😅


sanctuary // park jinyoungWhere stories live. Discover now