♡ Guess whos back ♡

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SO... god, It's been so long where do I start... I'm gonna make this simple so we can get to the main point: I will be writing again, and there will be many new chapters for this book, and maybe a new book centered on another k-pop group [I'll let you guess ;) ] and maybe one that's not even a k-pop group... (based on a game)

This part is just about stuff like "where did you go?" "whats new"-blah bah that boring stuff

First off, "Where did I go?"- Easy answer, NOWHERE, Reality wasn't very kind to me so I left for a while. but! lots have changed! I'm in a relationship and now I have a better understanding of love, thus for the younger readers, It'll help paint a more accurate view of love, and how YOU (yes you!!) Deserve to be treated by your significant other, this is important to me now because of writing and reading about love and experiencing it, made me realize how much some authors on it paint it in a blurry picture. If any of you are young and inexperienced about love, whether your straight or in the LGBT community, I want to paint you a picture of a healthy relationship. So in the future, you'll know what's good and what's not healthy for you. (if you have any issues or struggles your facing alone, my Direct message is always open ♡)

Oh and I'm older now thus I have a wider vocabulary, this allows what you read to be more immersive and descriptive to up the quality of the mini-stories I make of our boys uwu

That's all I have to say, for now, I love all of you so so much, going through some comments made me cry, Blessed be and stay safe during Quarantine! 


if any of you have any ideas for a better book name so I could be found easier on search that'd be amazing ty ily  

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2020 ⏰

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