Star Crossed

46 1 0

Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader

Word Count: 568

Warning: None.

Summary: Up and coming movie star Tom Holland, enrolls in a local college attempting to live a semi normal life.

Prompt Used: #37 "Are they together yet?"

Requested: Yes😘✨🥰💓

"Y/N!" Chelsea shrieked in excitement

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"Y/N!" Chelsea shrieked in excitement. Giggling you greeted your over enthusiastic friend, with a hug. "Someone was almost late." Sam commented from beside you. You rolled your eyes in response."Good thing her best friend." Sam made sure to emphasis 'Best Friend.' "Got you, your morning coffee."You gasped with widened eyes in excitement. "Thank you! Thank you!" You squealed accepting the coffee, carefully pulling your friend in for a hug.He chuckled in response. "When do they open the doors?" Chelsea snapped."Someone's eager to learn about literature." Sam teased.Rolling your eyes, you quipped back. "No, she's more interested in Mr. Rogers rather than the class itself."She huffed in fake annoyance. "That is mostly true." She giggled through her accusing tone.A smirk made it's way to your lips, as you lightly shook your head. You had met Chelsea and Sam on the first day on campus. Your parents, wanted you to go to one of the best colleges. They did everything they could to send you to Oxford University. Luckily, you had grandparents that lived in the city of Oxford. "Have you seen that man's ass?" She gaped. "The things I would do to that man."Both you and Sam let out a groan in unison. Chelsea spent the rest of the class making comments about Mr. Rogers ass and what she would do given the opportunity. With your coffee cup still in hand, your group split up to attend their next class. Chelsea and Sam were bickering about what they wanted to do for lunch. Walking down the hall, you gazed over your shoulder intently watching your friends. Crashing into another body, whipping your head around, a string of frantic apologizes fell from your lips.Quickly, you began your failed attempted at cleaning the strangers shirt that was now drenched in coffee.A husky chuckle filled your ears. Glancing up at his eyes, you were met with the familiar chocolate eyes."I...I'm so sorry." You muttered, still in a trance."It's quite alright, love." He replied. His voice sounded similar to an orchestra."Are you sure?" You quickly questioned, as a ping of guilt surged through you."Where did he go?" A rough voice yelled from the far end of the hall.Turning back towards Tom, you had a confused yet concerned expression.Without a word, he quickly glanced around the hall. His gaze falling upon a random door, promptly opening it. You hadn't expected a strong hand to wrap around your wist. When it did, you let out a yelp."Sorry." He apologized. "I'm Tom.""I know." You replied sheepishly. Minutes passed by as you stood in an awkward silence, in a tiny closet with Tom.Once he deemed it safe to leave, he escorted you down the hall."Who were those people?" You questioned."The paparazzi." He stated simply."Oh." He hummed in response, as his phone began blowing up with notifications."I...I should go." You gestured behind you. His attention was now on his phone.He didn't reply as he began texting on his phone.Halfway down the hall, Tom called for you. "Wait!" He jogged to catch up. "I..I didn't catch your name.""Y/N.""Well." He began. "It's nice to meet you, Y/N. Do you have any plans for lunch?""Nope." You replied. "I'm done for the day after this class.""I'll meet you back here then.""Okay.""Okay."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2020 ⏰

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