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Edrissa groans as she hits the snooze button for the fifth time already, not used to waking up early during Saturdays.

But, of course, the band competition is now her number one priority, because she doesn't excel in any subject anyway.

She lazily sits up, and contemplates whether or not to get ready, and of course, she does, because she's actually kind of looking forward to it.

Edrissa hastily leaves the house, after eating nothing other than a slice of toast. She checks the time, and she realizes that it's way too early. She decides to go and get some coffee first.

She arrives at the cafe at 7.03 a.m. sharp, parks her car near the building, and enters the shop, hoping to get a nice cup of coffee.

She catches a glimpse outside the coffee shop, and sees a way too familiar face.


She's walking to the shop, putting her hair up into a ponytail, her baby hairs sticking out and glistening under the morning sun.

She looked tired, unmotivated, and definitely just got out of bed, but Edrissa can't help but to think she's pretty.

Shit, no. She can't be doing this. There is no way she's thinking about how pretty Lily is, actually, how beautiful-

No, she thinks, snapping herself out of her disturbing thoughts, and set herself back on the correct mindset.

She hates Lily.

Of course she has to be here, just to ruin Edrissa's day. Edrissa rolls her eyes and quickly orders her coffee, wanting to get out of the store quickly.

After the barista called her name, she takes the cup and leaves quickly, not wanting to interact with Lily.

She isn't surprised when she pulls up to the almost empty parking lot of the school, only seeing a few cars, and not much people around.

She walks down the empty halls, getting to the classroom quicker, no crowd to push through. As always, she's one of the first ones to arrive, waving awkwardly at the other students, who she isn't close with.

Edrissa settles down in her seat and opens her phone. She hasn't gotten a text from any of her friends, most likely because they are still asleep.

Edrissa rolls her eyes at that thought. Of course all her friends are asleep, she had gotten up way too early.

She guesses it's fine since there are other people here too. At least she's not alone in the classroom. But, she's the only one alone.

Edrissa regrets waking up early, and getting coffee. Seeing Lily too early in the day is usually a sign of bad luck.

She looks around the room and sees Mina and Vera in the one corner, laughing at something one of them said.

Edrissa sighs as she sinks back into her seat, looking at her phone to act busy- and not so lonely.

She jumps when someone violently pats her back.

"What's up, sweetie."

Edrissa rolls her eyes so far back she's afraid it won't go back, "Ew, Jen."

"Morning, Drissa. I see no one's here yet."

"Well, you're here."

"You're not wrong," Jenina starts walking to her seat, "I meant nobody's here to give you company."


"Hmm." She says, as she finally leaves Edrissa all alone, again. Edrissa couldn't care less and busies herself with games on her phone.

"Morning class," Ms Robertson says at last, Edrissa sits up and notices Alenna isn't beside her.

Huh, weird, she thought, Alenna usually arrives early, or at least she has never been late before.

Speak of the devil, Alenna sprints inside, almost slamming the door behind her.

"Mrs Robertson I am so sorry, I-"

"Yes?" Mrs Robertson glares at Alenna. Edrissa feels scared, even though she's not the one being glared at.

"Uhh, I- I woke up late."

"Ms Williams, out of all the reasons you could be late, you woke up late. Do you have any idea how irresponsible that is? I would've been fine if you didn't have a phone, or family members, but you do, and you didn't bother to get any one of them to help you?"

"I- Sorry. I wasn't thinking straight."

"Go to your seat, and don't repeat this again." Mrs Roberson scolds, not taking her glare off Alenna.

Alenna takes a seat beside Edrissa, and Edrissa feels bad for her.

"Hey, Lena."


"You're okay, right?"

"Yeah," She gives Edrissa a small smile. "I'm okay."

Practice went by in a blur. Edrissa thinks it's not so bad, waking up early. At least she gets to see her friends, and maybe have some fun.

"Lena, do you want to grab brunch?" She says discreetly, almost whispering, "Only you and me. We can talk, I know-"

"Yeah, I would love to. You're paying right?" Alenna replies, a smile never leaving her face.

Edrissa bites her lip, "Yeah, yeah I am." Alenna is good at masking, really good. Edrissa wouldn't be able to tell she was faking if she isn't close to Alenna.

"So where are we headed?" Her jumpy best friend asks, moments after getting in her car.

"Brunchadora. The one next to the bookstore."

"Cool. We've been there before, haven't we?"

"Yeah," She smiles, "We have."

"Good afternoon ma'am, are you ready with your order?" The kind looking waitress asks them with a formal smile, Edrissa thinks it's too basic.

"Yeah, I'll have an omelette and a chocolate smoothie."

"Great. What about you?" She turns to Edrissa, still wearing that basic smile.

"I'll have some waffles and a chai iced tea, thank you"

"Awesome. Please wait for your orders to arrive." The waitress left their table, to attend to other customers, probably.

And that leaves Edrissa with Alenna. Edrissa doesn't know how to talk to Alenna, for some reason, the words cant seem to get out of her mouth.

"Lena, do you have anything you want to tell me?"

"Uhh, no?" Edrissa could feel the skepticism.

"It's okay, I mean, you can tell me. Your secret's safe with me."

"Drissa, I'm fine, really."

"Alenna, I know you didn't wake up late today, or at least that's not the reason you're late."

"Fine, I didn't." Alenna says, exasperated. "Why do you want to know anyway?"

"Because, Lena, you've been acting weird since that night you called me."

Alenna looks away, then down, "I- you wouldn't get it."

"What? Why wouldn't I? If it's your mom I totally understand."

"Okay," She sighs in defeat, "I'm just tired of fighting with her. She finds everything I do to be wrong. I just don't understand her."

"It'll be fine, Lena."

"I hope so."

Edrissa takes her friend's hand and strokes it reassuringly. Alenna returns a soft smile.

"You know," Alenna begins, "She's trying to get me out of band."


"I know, but that's not going to happen."

"I'm sure it won't." Edrissa looks away, unsure of what she just said. She doesn't have control over Alenna's life, but for once, she wishes she does.

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