Chapter seventeen

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Mary stood at the door of the place she had called home for eighteen years before all went wrong, she didn't know if it was home anymore, she rang the bell twice and realized she was just being impatient. She stood at the door and saw Dave's home, her best friend from childhood who disappeared without a trace, she was told he came to prison to see her but she was too bitter to receive any visitors so after coming for a few months without succeeding he gave up, he never heard of him again and to be honest, he never thought about Marda or anyone in it until she talked to Sasha, the hurting Brave girl.
She just thought of her family after her encounter with Sasha, her avoidance had made her forget the pain that she thought it was gone she forgot that you have to deal with situations or they deal with you, she of all people didn't want the situation that happened  in her  station on a rainy day repeat itself.

The door opened and Mary saw her Mother, she was still the same but a few things had changed, her laugh lines were now wrinkles, her hair was gray and her skin had seen better days, her body physic wasn't that of a model like it was more than thirty years ago, her look was much softer that she had seen years ago.
A legion of thoughts clouded the city of her mind, this woman had nursed her, taught her how to talk and walk, she had taken her to school and combed her hair,she had cooked her meals and comforted her when she was hurting, she struggled to fight tears without success. "I've missed you" she said finding her voice. Her mother, Joyce walked towards her and Mary fell on her shoulders. Mary felt like a little girl again though she wasn't, she was forty five, her mother was in her early seventys. But some bonds are not easily broken. "My baby" Joyce said as if reading her daughter's thoughts. "Let's go inside" your older sisters and your father are waiting for you, your brother will be here tomorrow. Mary entered the house, everything had changed, the decorations, the wall color, the furniture's, even the people inside. Her sisters stood up when they saw her, they were still as beautiful as ever, but a little plump, not as wrinkled as Joyce but wrinkled all the same,  she looked at the faces of the ladies she had grown up with, fought with, ate with and played with, they were her own blood, for years she convinced herself she was alone in this world but her subconscious knew the truth and all her emotions conquered with it at this moment, "Maggie, Mandie" She called her older twin sisters and hugged them, they were seven years older than her and she remembered how much they protected her until the year she needed them the most. "Dad" she turned and looked at her father who was sitting on a wheel chair tired but still full of life. "My last born!" He said in tears, she cried more as she bent to hug the hold man who held her a little longer. "I'll get coffee" Maggie, the older twin offered and Mandie offered to help her. The cries had died down and tension had increased, they knew that Mary came here for one reason, but they didn't have the answer yet.

"You are supposed to be my family" Mary finally said after a decade of silence at the table, all they heard was sounds of sipped coffee. " Mary we are sorry" Joyce told her daughter her voice breaking, "Forgive your family" Her father added. "For what?" Mary asked and everyone turned to look at her, her voice was low but steady, she had mastered self control during her training as an officer, but she was loosing it. "Sorry for accusing me of murder?, sorry for chasing me away with a man I thought I loved, sorry for not looking for me? I don't get it, explain please" her hand was clinched into a fist, her father said he never wanted to see her again, her sisters didn't believe she didn't kill her husband and her mother kept quiet and watched her die , her mother never raised her voice to defend her.
"We were wrong Joyce, in so many ways" her mother admitted. "I was young and naive, I was deceived, o was abused emotionally and mentally for two years with my husband. fifteen, mom fifteen solid years, and you tell me you're sorry?" Mary asked hitting the table startling her mother and making her sisters shut their eyes tight. "Mary mom has high blood pressure, you're scaring her" Mandie said in her mother's defence. "Ooh, so you love mom nowadays, the last time I checked you knew how bad she was,or is it because you're a mother now? Or you agreed to shut me out and pretend I never existed then became friends?" Mary said pointing her index finger at Mandie she was laughing sarcastically. "Mary control yourself you'll end up hurting everyone" Maggie pointed out, thinking she was helping, "woow, you were the jealous sister, you never loved Mandie, you were never satisfied so you became jealous of Mandie, ooh, now you're great friends, inseparable from birth, you're talking about hurting, ooh please" Mary jested she was now filled with anger and bitterness, she despised her family to the core. "Mary get a hold of yourself!" Her father shouted at her. "Like you did when you threw your young daughter out, or like you suspected her for murder, or like you cheated on mom and got my brother because you were desperate for a son?" She attacked her Father. "The hatred I feel right now, makes me want to kill you and know you're dead for real" She was now crying her anger out, "I loved you so much, I still do, but you all are cowards, you didn't even look for me, you betray each other then gang up against me, then when I leave you're one big family" Mary continued crying, she felt her world tear apart. "Or am I am outsider like my brother?" She laughed sarcastically, "Someone say something!" She shouted surprising them. She had touched their wounds like they touched hers, the famous saying of hurting people hurt people  was now evident in Mary.

" you're all so unbearable" She headed towards where her room used to be and found it Locked. She needed a break. " Dad closed it and said  that you are dead to us" Maggie said standing in defence of the family. There was her reason, the answer she's been looking for. She looked at them, she laughed and dried at the same time, "I knew it" She said clapping, thank you all so much you've solved my puzzled. She took her purse which was on the table, she left her dad crying and her Mother sobbing uncontrollably.

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