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"The sun rose steadily over Hogwarts, and the Great Hall blazed with life and light."

-Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, "The flaw in the plan"

THERE WAS A TIME when Aurora Kepler didn't feel so miserable. She would sit in the garden with her parents as they shared a glass of the finest lemonade, basking in the golden sun and joking around; maybe her mother, Morgana, would read her muggle bedtime stories while her father, Cepheus, added some notes that didn't even make sense, driving the two women mad; or maybe they would sit in the living room learning spells and incantations, since the girl was forbidden from going to a magic school like Hogwarts... But times were different now.

Her parents were both dead, courtesy of a Death Eater, and she was going through a teen pregnancy with absolutely no one by her side. It was in the heat of the moment, Aurora always told herself, I didn't want this to happen; but it was too late now. She was nine months in, after all. She was about to have a baby in the middle of a war, her parents weren't with her and she had never felt so lonely.

It was the first day of May, when it happened. He Who Must Not Be Named was on the rise once more, and to say that Aurora was scared was an understatement. Her heart broke at the mere thought of having to raise a child in such conditions, because who knew when this all would end? Actually, would it ever come to a stop?

A gasp flew out of her lips as she felt a harsh kick. Aurora instantly groaned, but she was quickly interrupted by a strange sound... the sound of the door being unlocked, cutting in the deathly silence of the night. Out of instinct, Aurora grabbed her wand and placed a trembling hand on her stomach, as though it would protect the human being inside of her from any form of malice. Suddenly, the door swung open and someone went straight through it with no shame whatsoever.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2020 ⏰

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