Part 4. The book

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Alastrina woke up in a fever, her bones aching and her leg bleeding onto the blankets. She found that she was not alone, someone with ocean blue eyes was peering through the crack in her door. She saw him being pushed out of the way by an unrecognizable figure and then suddenly the door was pushed open. A woman came in a slender dark dawning figure with dark hair and svelte movement. She pulled the blanket over Alastrina's toes and grabbed something on a table, with more elegance than precision.

The door opened once again and in came a strange creature, Alastrina saw his face at first he had a delicate complexion, regular features, and a remarkably pretty face, his hair strikingly blond. His skin was rather brown, burnt from the skin, giving him a strange glow. But then Alastrina saw his legs and she felt her heart stand still, his legs were those of a buck.

Alastrina screamed earth-shaking scream, a shattering scream, she felt as if she was going to faint.

" This is not possible, this is not possible, this is not possible, I must be hallucinating...," Alastrina repeated to herself, trying to calm her own heartbeat. forgetting that there was anyone else in the room she curled up in a ball, suddenly remembering the previous night's events.

" DAMIT LOWELLLLLLL!!!!", look what you've done now, the mysterious woman in black howelled at the one who she had called Lowell," I told you to stay outside until I have spoken to her.

Alastrina saw the rage in the girl's eyes and before she knew it Alastrina saw something that her eyes could not comprehend.

" Luna, Luna. No, I'll leave. I'm sorry, I promise, don't do it! "Lowell screamed out.

Luna's bones forcibly elongated, one could see her teeth growing longer, her body turning into something feral. Her bones transforming. Her clothes tearing. Wiry black hairs sprouting out of her skin. Her once, kind brown eyes melted into a heavier, more ruddy color. Her bones moved under her skin like mechanical creatures.

" VEND DEG TILBAKE, VEND DEG TILBAKE!!, " Lowell screamed. Alastrina could do nothing but convince herself that this was all her imagination, but she could not help remembering the previous nights' activities and seeing the creatures lurking in around the boss, she tried to convince herself that she was just having a bad dream, Gabbie was going to come weaker her up now to show her her new drawing, she was going to stop having these bad dreams, she rocked up and down, up and down, tears streaming down her face. Her body twitching, why did this have to happen to her, she thought her head twitching from side to side, rocking up and down.

" Alastrina...", Luna started saying her voice sweet and sensitive, but Alastrina interrupted her.

" WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE! I DIDN'T INVITE YOU INTO MY HOME! YOU WERE THE ONES WHO KIDNAPPED ME," Alastrina screamed the words at the top of her lungs, grabbing her swords from on top of her drawer next to her bed.

Alastrina swung her sword just as Luna grabbed a blade from her pocket. Luna was surprised at the precision that Alastrina fought, but still, Luna was better, she hadn't trained with the assassins for anything.

Alastrina forgot stuck and she fell, she rolled over as Luna was becoming angry slashing her blade at her. Alastrina knocked Luna over. She heard Luna hit the ground, sending shock waves through her floor. Luna reared back, giving Alastrina just enough space to get back up on her feet. Alastrina somersaulted forward, rolling over and over until she was standing just in front of Luna. Luna swung at her, she could see that Luna had become more composed. Alastrina ducked at Luna's blade whistled overhead, just missing the tip of the blade. Luna's blade hit Alastrina's wrist, the blood now gushing out of another newly formed wound. Her head ached and throbbed. Her skin felt hot and tight, her wrist a burning agony. Just when Alastrina was looking at the blood on her wrist, Luna lept, pinning her to the ground.

" Dammit, girl. I didn't want to hear from you. You have enough wounds as it is. I know we are the ones who kidnapped you but please just sit down. I have some explaining to do."

Alastrina finally admitted her defeat, but before Luna could say a word she asked, " Where did you learn to fight, you are brilliant?"

Luna sighed, " I know, I know, I trained with the assassins creek. I just have to say that you are not bad yourself, " Luna winked, " Okay, so now that everyone is calm... As you have heard I am Luna, a werewolf and a decadent of Hecate, a switching. Lowell is a chimera, all he does is he gets on my nerves, but he's a good friend."

Lowell just rolled his eyes.

Luna went on, " Okay, so please bear with me. The only reason we kidnapped you is that we are part of D.A.R.K, descendants ascended rightfully claimed, the only reason we are part of this group is that our forefathers were and we do not have a choice but to be part of it, it runs in the family, our parents were, our grandparents were and our children will be too. We hate the things that happen there, but its that our we get killed. Or they kill our whole families, the rule is that one person in the family has to be part of D.A.R.K and I am my parents' only child. I trained with the assains creek because my parents were killed when I was 9, it still haunts me because I have still not been able to find the murderer. Okay, so coming to you. This is going to be hard on you, I'm sorry."

" Alastrina you are Freya's daughter, the warriors' daughter. Your parents were murdered because the Dark knight found out your mother was Freya and that she had escaped Borteland he had her killed. Your grandfather was a chimera, that's why he never wanted you to live with him, he was afraid that you would find out. The book that the boss gave you will help you, it was your grandfather's book. You have to save Borteland, but the BOSS wants you to find the hidden treasure and bestow it on him, but you must not do that. Never, you can never give such power over to someone so evil, you will have to set sail tonight. You have no other choice. Borteland needs you. "

Alastrina laughed, " Before you go on with this silly story, I need to know where my foster parents are, why can't they hear me. It's 3 o'clock and we have made a lot of noise..."

Luna sighed, " I put up an illusion of you sleeping, so that is what they see. I also muted out voices."

Now Alastrina stared at her in awe, she knew now that all Luna said must have been true, but how was something like this possible.

She was just an ordinary nordic girl, she was not meant for greatness, she had never been.

" Oh darling, you are up for a bumpy ride, " Lowell, said laughing.

but Alastrina felt herself sink into slumber, her eyes unable to stay open.

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Love Fransie x

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